
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

A Touch, Vision, and Language Dataset for Multimodal Alignment

by Max (Letian) Fu, Gaurav Datta*, Huang Huang*, William Chung-Ho Panitch*, Jaimyn Drake*, Joseph Ortiz, Mustafa Mukadam, Mike Lambeta, Roberto Calandra, Ken Goldberg at UC Berkeley, Meta AI, TU Dresden, and CeTI (*equal contribution).

[Paper] | [Project Page] | [Checkpoints] | [Dataset] | [Citation]

This repo contains the official implementation for A Touch, Vision, and Language Dataset for Multimodal Alignment. This code is based MAE, CrossMAE, and the ImageBind-LLM repos.


Please install the dependencies in requirements.txt:

# Optionally create a conda environment
conda create -n tvl python=3.10 -y
conda activate tvl
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 cudatoolkit==11.8.0 -c pytorch -y
# Install dependencies
pip install packaging
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e . 


The dataset is hosted on HuggingFace. To use the dataset, we first download them using the GUI or use git:

# install git-lfs
sudo apt install git-lfs
git lfs install
# clone the dataset
git clone git@hf.co:datasets/mlfu7/Touch-Vision-Language-Dataset
# or you can download the zip files manually from here: https://huggingface.co/datasets/mlfu7/Touch-Vision-Language-Dataset/tree/main
cd Touch-Vision-Language-Dataset
zip -s0 tvl_dataset_sharded.zip --out tvl_dataset.zip
unzip tvl_dataset.zip 


Touch-Vision-Language (TVL) Models can be separated into 1) tactile encoders that are aligned to the CLIP latent space and 2) TVL-LLaMA, a variant of ImageBind-LLM that is finetuned on the TVL dataset. The tactile encoders come in three different sizes: ViT-Tiny, ViT-Small, and ViT-Base. As a result, we provide three different TVL-LLaMA. The statistics presented here differ from those in the paper as the checkpoints are re-trained using this repository.

Tactile Encoders

For zero-shot classification, we use OpenCLIP with the following configuration:

CLIP_PRETRAIN_DATA = "datacomp_xl_s13b_b90k"

The checkpoints for the tactile encoders are provided below:

ViT-Tiny ViT-Small ViT-Base
Tactile Encoder download download download
Touch-Language Acc (@0.64) 36.19% 36.82% 30.85%
Touch-Vision Acc 78.11% 77.49% 81.22%


Please request access to the pre-trained LLaMA-2 from this form. In particular, we use llama-2-7b as the base model. The weights here contains the trained adapter, the tactile encoder, and the vision encoder for the ease of loading. The checkpoints for TVL-LLaMA are provided below:

ViT-Tiny ViT-Small ViT-Base
TVL-LLaMA download download download
Reference TVL Benchmark Score (1-10) 5.03 5.01 4.87

Training And Evaluation

We provide tactile encoder training script in tvl_enc and TVL-LLaMA training script in tvl_llama. In particular, TVL-Benchmark is described here.


This project is under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.


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Please cite our work if you find our work inspiring or use our code in your work:

    title={A Touch, Vision, and Language Dataset for Multimodal Alignment}, 
    author={Letian Fu and Gaurav Datta and Huang Huang and William Chung-Ho Panitch and Jaimyn Drake and Joseph Ortiz and Mustafa Mukadam and Mike Lambeta and Roberto Calandra and Ken Goldberg},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.13232},