Ruby + MMTk

This repository provides builds of the Ruby programming language, with MMTk as a garbage collector. To download a build, find a recent nightly release at and download either the debug or release artefact.

You need to set a plan (garbage collection algorithm) and a heap size manually at the moment.

export MMTK_PLAN=MarkSweep
export THIRD_PARTY_HEAP_LIMIT=1000000000

Use as a development environment

./ will set up a working full-source checkout and build of Ruby with MMTk.

WITH_LATEST_MMTK_CORE=yes to use latest MMTk (may not work.)

WITH_UPSTREAM_RUBY=yes to merge with upstream Ruby (may not work.)

WITH_DEBUG=yes to build a debug version.

TAG=mytag ./ then builds a tarball.