
This repo gescribes my steps to create a new local project & ignore a folder automatically

Primary LanguageCSS


[Ctrl]+[Sift]+[P] => search

Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)

Add this command:

  "key": "ctrl+alt+n",
  "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
  "args": {
    "text": "& {npm init -y; Add-Content -Path '.gitignore' -Value '.history/'}"

Change ".history/' to your forder or file.

Usage. Creating a new project lacallly

New project:

  1. terminal npm init vite@latest cd path code .
  2. Vs code
    • [Ctrl] + [`],
    • [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [n],
    • => [Enter] this will install node + add my 'history/' to .gitignore


SvelteKit + Firebase
  1.[+] Install Svelte Latest as usual
  2.[+] Install Firebase
     [+] Go to FireBase site, create new...
     [+] install in command line
         npm install firebase
        .env https://youtu.be/8NlUTFppJkU?t=446
        fitebase.client.js: https://github.com/jamezmca/sveltekit-auth/blob/main/src/lib/firebase/firebase.client.js
        (once) npm install -g firebase-tools
   2.[ ] Whats next: auth? firestore? analytics?

Web Dev
  Chrome Dev Tools
  VS Code
      arrows -> select last entered Commands
      tab -> autocomplete direction after cd
        Ctrl+Shift+P  - see all commands
        Ctrl + L   - clear terminal
        Ctrl + Shift + `  - create new terminal
      Run code from single file
        node ./src/day.js
      npm-run-all   - A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.
        npm init    - generate valid package.json or rewrite defaults
          npm init --y    - with defaults
        npm config  - change config and save them in memory
          npm config set init.licence MIT
          npm config set init.author.name Max Makhrov
          npm config set init.author.email m@m
          npm config set init.author.url ct.onl
            after config ???
              rm package.json
              npm init --y
        npm cli     - add/remove/upd dependencies
        // check .gitignore first!
        git init → git add . → git commit -m "first"
        git remote add origin https\github.gg    - add github origin
        git checkout -b "feat/ranger"
        git push origin feat/ranger
      Apsp Script Autoclomplete
        npm install --save @types/google-apps-script
        npm run clasp:login   - opens standard Google Authorization window
          Default credentials saved to: ~\.clasprc.json (C:\Users\Asus\.clasprc.json)
        clasp:create          - create new AppsScript?
        "rpm run deploy"      - "run-s bundle clasp:push"
        clap clone            - clones gas project => link project to VS-Code
        clasp push -w     - push once and watch changes
          **/**              - ignore all files…
          !**/*.gs           - except the extensions…
        clasp push -w  >   so that changes are pushed every few seconds to Drive automatically
        clasp open > open in browser
        clasp pull > code to PS
        clasp push > code to Google Drive
        clasp setting projectId ID > set Google Cloud Project ID
        clasp settings > get script id
        cd > go to directory [use TAB-autocomplete]
        cd .. > one folder up
        ls > get subfolders
        md > create directory = folder
        rd > remove directory [use TAB-autocomplete]
        rm > remove file or directory
          npm i dayjs