
An implementation of Lamport's Byzantine Agreement Algorithm

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Byzantine Agreement

Nathan VanBenschoten

An implementation of the Byzantine Agreement Algorithm.


Run make to build the binary bin/general

Run make clean to clean all build artifacts



To run a commander process, a command like the following can be used. Note that if the -o (--order) flag is used, the -C (--commander_id) flag must also point to the current hostname in the hostfile.

./bin/general -p 54321 -h hostfile -f 1 -C 0 -o attack


To run a lieutenant process, a command like the following can be used.

./bin/general -p 54321 -h hostfile -f 1 -C 0

Malicious Behavior

There are four different malicious modes that Generals can exhibit, which can be combined with each other. The modes are:

  • silent: the general sends no messages (lieutenants only)
  • delay_send: the general delays the sending of each message by some random amount
  • partial_send: the general occasionally drops messages instead of forwarding them (lieutenants only)
  • wrong_order: the general occasionally sends the wrong order in some of its messages (commander only)

These malicious behavior modes can be configured using the -m (--malicious) flag, which can be provided multiple times. An example of running a malicious lieutenant that delays its messages and occasionally does not send them at all is:

./bin/general -p 54321 -h hostfile -f 1 -C 0 -m delay_send -m partial_send

Verbose Mode

Adding the -v (--verbose) flag will turn on verbose mode, which will print logging information to standard error. This information includes details about all messages sent and received, as well as round timeout information.

Command Line Arguments

A full list of command line arguments can be seen by running ./bin/general --help.

System Architecture

The system is designed around a class hierarchy that looks like:

   General (abstract)
        /      \
       /        \
Commander      Lieutenant

When a process starts up, it processes all command line arguments and performs validation on all flags. The validation includes checking that orders are correctly provided for commander processes and determining the list of hosts participating in the algorithm.

Once command line parsing and validation is complete, the options are used to construct either a Commander or a Lieutenant instance. These class both implement a Decide() method, which is called to begin the algorithm and return the final result. Once this result is known, the process prints the result and exists.


General is an abstract class extended by Commander and Lieutenant that provides mutually useful functionality. This includes the creation of UDP Clients for all remote servers and the maintenance of the round counter.


The Commander is simple. In addition to the functionality provided by General, it holds the initial Order. During its execution of the algorithm, it simply forwards this decision to all other processes before returning that decision.


The Lieutenant is more complex that the Commander because it must maintain state across multiple rounds. It does this by maintaining a set of unique Orders seen, as well as a number of per-round variables. These per-round variables determine how the Lieutenant acts during the duration of a round and how the Lieutenant should transition to the next round and are reinitialized at the beginning of each new round. The class run a private udp::Server through which it receives messages from other Generals and acts accordingly. It also maintains state on timeouts to guarantee eventual termination of the algorithm (see below for more on timeouts).

UDP Client and Server

The abstraction of reliable communication is provided by the udp namespace. This namespace exposes three classes to make dealing with UDP straightforward for the General implementations. These classes also perform the task of hiding away C Socket programming details behind a more idiomatic C++ interface.

First, the namespace exposes a Client class. The class wraps a UDP socket and allows both unreliable and reliable (unacknowledged and acknowledged) transmission of byte buffers. When sending reliable messages, the class allows its caller to determine whether an acknowledgment is valid or not. The Client is constructed with a remote address and an optional acknowledgment timeout.

The namespace also exposes a Server class. This class wraps a UDP socket and synchronously blocks on the socket while trying to receive information. When a new message comes in, the Server calls a provided callback with the messages data as well as with a Client instance for consumers to respond to the remote client who sent the message. The Server also handles serving timeouts, calling a secondary timeout callback in those cases. The Server class is constructed with a port to bind to and an optional timeout.

Logging Module

The logging namespace provides a conditional output logger out that is only enabled when verbose mode is turned on. It exposes itself as an std::ostream, and forwards all information to standard error when it is enabled.

State Diagrams

The two main components of Byzantine Agreement Algorithm are the Commander process and the Lieutenant process. Below are illustrated state machines of their protocol, which both end with them deciding on an Order to follow.

Commander State Machine

Commander State Machine

Lieutenant State Machine

Lieutenant State Machine

Design Decisions

Preventing Faulty Processes from Blocking Non-Faulty Processes

One of the tricky issues with a synchronous communication model with rounds and UDP communication is that faulty processes should not block forward progress of functional processes. To guarantee this, two design decisions were made:

Sender Threading Model

The design of the state machine was primarily driven by the interface exposed by the udp::Server and udp::Client classes. Both of these classes use a synchronous execution model, which meant that to gain any concurrency, it was necessary to do so outside their abstraction boundary. Because of this, we decided to gain concurrency through the use of threads.

Communication to remote processes was always performed in an isolated thread. Instead of sending messages sequentially to each process, all processes were communicated with in parallel. This prevented a single faulty process from splitting up functional processes because of a large timeout delay. For instance, if the Commander sent messages to 3 Lieutenants serially, but the second one was faulty and caused a sender timeout, the first lieutenant would end up far ahead of the third lieutenant in the agreement algorithm.Instead, since all communication was done in parallel, all processes stay in sync despite the existence of fault processes, because they were all sending and receiving messages at roughly the same time.

This was accomplished by introducing the threadutil::ThreadGroup class.


There were two types of timeouts used to prevent faulty processes from harming the forward progress of working processes.

Reliable Communication Timeouts

When sending a message to a remote process, our communication protocol sent the message over a UDP socket and started a timer while waiting for an acknowledgment. If the timeout was hit before an acknowledgment was received, it would attempt to send the message again, and would again listen for an Ack. Up to three attempts would be made for any given message before the sender would give up. The mechanics of this are in udp::Client::SendWithAck.

On the receiving side, a server would receive messages from a UDP socket. It would first perform some cursory message validation, which if successful would then trigger the response of an acknowledgment message. The validation included checks like proper message formatting, logical message data, and that the host process was who they said they were.

Note that there is a small chance that an acknowledgment for a different message from the same remote host in the same round could be misinterpreted. This is possible if an Ack response gets delayed until the transmission of a different message in the same round is attempted. Because we were not able to extend the Ack message format to include a sequence number, this could not be prevented.

Round Timeouts

The agreement algorithm is synchronous and based on rounds. Therefore, in order to assure forward progress in the face of faulty processes and asynchronous communication channels, each round had to have a bounded time duration. This was accomplished by a two-level round timeout scheme. First, a Lieutenant's UDP Server socket was given a timeout so that it would never listen for longer than a round's maximum duration. This alone was not sufficient, though, because a malicious process could continue sending invalid messages to the non-faulty process, which would result in the Server's recvfrom call being reinitialized without making any forward progress.

To get around this, we also kept track of the start time of each round. We would then make sure the duration between message processing this start time never exceeded the round timeout when processing Server requests.As the comment above round_start_ts_ states, we used a monotonic std::chrono::steady_clock to measure elapsed time accurately even in the face of clock resets, which is a valid concern in distributed environments.

These two timeouts together meant that it was possible for a round to go slightly over the desired timeout duration, but that a round would never exceed twice the timeout duration. This meant that there was a strict upper bound of a round's duration of 2*round_timeout, which in this case is 2 seconds.

Malicious Behavior Representation

Malicious behavior is represented using bit flags packed into a single integer through the MaliciousBehavior enum class. Using bit flags means that we can compactly represent a large number of orthogonal conditions and test each one with a single bit mask. This bit vector is constructed on startup by reading in all of the --malicious flags provided.

The General class then holds onto the MaliciousBehavior and provides transparent access to it through a number of protected helper methods. These methods are:

  • bool ShouldSendMsg(): determines if a General should send a certain message, based on its malicious behavior. This will always return true if a General is not malicious, but may return false for traitors depending on the type of malicious behavior they exhibit.
  • void MaybeDelaySend(): usually a no-op, but in cases of a General who exhibits delaying behavior, it may block to a random amount of time.
  • msg::Order OrderForMsg(): determines the order to send for a message based on the order the General should send and on its malicious behavior. A loyal General will always return the correct Order, while a traitor may return an incorrect one. This is exposed on the Commander only for now, because we do not allow Lieutenants to flip a message's order. The reason for this is that we have implemented the algorithm for Signed Messages, so we assume that a Lieutenant flipping a message's order would be detected.

By hiding the malicious behavior behind these utility methods, the rest of the state machine for both the Commander and the Lieutenant classes could ignore the existence of malicious behavior.

Implementation Issues

Multiple Processes on the Same Host

One of the implementation issues faced while developing the algorithm was its difficulty to test, because the suggested template "assumes that each host is running only one instance of the process." This meant that even during development, to test a m process instance of the algorithm, m hosts needed to coordinate and be kept in sync with code changes. To address this, the single-process-per-host restriction was lifted early in the development cycle. This was accomplished by allowing an optional port specification in the hostfile for a given process using a <hostname>:<port> notation. Once individual processes could specify unique ports, an optional -i (--id) flag was used to distinguish the current process in a hostfile where multiple processes were running on the same host. This way, the algorithm could be run on a single host with a hostfile like:


And commands like:

./bin/general -h hostfile -f 1 -C 0 -o attack -i=0


./bin/general -h hostfile -f 1 -C 0 -i=1


L. Lamport, R. Shostak, and M. Pease. The Byzantine Generals Problem. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 4(3):382–401, July 1982.