GraphQL-MongoDB Backend

Start the project

Clone the project:

git clone

Create a database. You can do it via GUI like MongoDB Compass, or by using mongo shell:

use your_db_name;   // create db or use existing one
db                  // display using db

Create empty "post", "author" collections:


Now open src/config/index.js and change db configuration:

const config = {
  development: {
    dbUrl: 'your_db_url',
    dbName: 'your_db_name'

Install node modules inside cloned folder and start the project:

npm install
npm start

GraphQL usage

To use GraphQL server you need to send POST request with specific header to the http://localhost:4000/graphql:

Content-Type: application/graphql

You can do it outside the project (recommended) via tools like Postman or do it inside via packages like axios:

const your_request_body = ` /*...*/ `;"http://localhost:4000/graphql", your_request_body, {
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/graphql" }

Now you can pass GraphQL queries and mutations in the request body as text.

"Author" and "Post" schemas look like:

type Author {
  _id: ID!
  name: String!
  posts: [Post]

type Post {
  _id: ID!
  title: String!
  authorId: ID
  author: Author

Queries are used to get data:

// get posts
query {
 posts { _id, title, author { name } }

// get post by id
query {
 post(_id: "your_post_id") { _id, title }

// get authors
query {
 posts { _id, name, posts { title } }

// get author by id
query {
 author(_id: "your_author_id") { _id, name }

Mutations are used to modify (create, update, delete) data:

// create author and return it
mutation {
 createAuthor(name: "your_author_name") { _id, name }

// update author and return it
mutation {
 updateAuthor(_id: "your_author_id", name: "your_new_author_name") { _id, name }

// delete author and return it
mutation {
 deleteAuthor(name: "your_author_name") { _id, name }

// create post and return it
mutation {
 createPost(authorId: "your_author_id", title: "your_post_title") { _id, title }

// update post and return it
mutation {
 updatePost(_id: "your_post_id", title: "your_new_post_title") { _id, title }

// delete post and return it
mutation {
 deletePost(_id: "your_post_id") { _id, title }

Create new resources

The first of all you need to create your new db collection:


To manage this collection you need to create a new folder with appropriate name in the src/resources folder. Then create resolvers, schema, service files inside. So the the resulting structure looks like:

- your_new_collection
-- your_new_collection.resolvers.js
-- your_new_collection.schema.js
-- your_new_collection.service.js

"Schema" file exports string with common GraphQL schema containing types:

module.exports = `
 type Your_new_collection { /*...*/ }
 type Query { /*...*/ }
 type Mutation { /*...*/ }

"Resolvers" file exports object with common GrapQL resolvers containing methods inside of Query and Mutation:

module.exports = ({
  Query: {
    getSomething: (/*...*/) => { /*...*/ },

  Mutation: {
    changeSomething: (/*...*/) => { /*...*/ },

Methods mentioned above call service working with DB and stored in "Service" file:

const createService = require('../../helpers/createService');

const service = createService('your_new_collection');

service.doSomething = (/*...*/) => { /*...*/ };

module.exports = service;

More information about service usage you can find in API Reference.