
Libraries I built myself. I use them in msh (see mshgit).

Primary LanguageC

Welcome to my own libraries

First of all you should know that there may be some bugs. I tried to only commit those, which have everything working, but you know...

Using them directly

Header files

The header files are in this folder, in the directory "freestanding" and in the folder "templates".

They often have the ending "_h.h". Header files in the "template" folder are header-only libraries.

Source files

All source files are in the directory "src". They are also named .h, please do not ask me why.
What I did (for msh -> see mshgit):
I made a all.c file, in which I included all sourcefiles.


There is a little Makefile.
You can build the libraries (.a files -> linux style) for ""words" and "list":

  • make words
  • make list


You can install the libraries:

  • def.h : make target=def install

  • simple_list.h : make target=simple_list install

  • simple_array.h : make target=simple_array install

  • words : build it + make target=words install

  • list : build it + make target=list install

They will be installed to

  • /usr/local/lib/Max2/
  • /usr/local/include/Max2/

You (may) need to specify the include and library path to your compiler / linker. For gcc:

  • -L /usr/local/lib/Max2/
  • -I /usr/local/include/Max2/

To link the libraries (e.g. gcc):
gcc -o test test.c -l{libname}
For now you can choose between

  • words
  • list

Please do not link both, because the list library needs / contains the words library already.