
Event-api is a system that provides an API for recording various events such as concerts, charity games, pallets, sporting events.The following describes data modeling and instructions for use.

Data model

Event-api data modeling is based on the following context:
  • A user can comment on an event.

  • A user can report a message only once.

  • An event can receive multiple comments.

  • A comment may receive multiple reports

  • An instance of a report is associated with a single user and a single message.

  • A message instance is associated with a single user and a single event.


Configure your system with the following versions:

  • Ruby version: 2.3.3

  • Rails version: 5.2

  • Database configuration and gems installation:

    • Install gems

        $ bundle install
    • Modify username and password in config/database.yml according to your database settings:

        default: &default
        adapter: mysql2
        encoding: utf8
        pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
        timeout: 5000
        username: user_your_database
        password: root_your_database
    • Create database:

       $ rake db:create
       $ rake db:migrate
    • Initialize database:

       $ rake db:seed
    • Finally, run the following in order start server:

      $ rails s
  • Running tests:

      $ rspec

API Usage

The following table show routes provided by this api:

HTTP Verb Path Controller#Action Used for
GET /api/v1/events/:event_id/comments api/v1/comments#index show all comments for a specific event
POST /api/v1/events/:event_id/comments api/v1/comments#create create a new comment in specific event
GET /api/v1/events/:event_id/comments/:id api/v1/comments#show display a specific comment in specific event
PATCH/PUT /api/v1/events/:event_id/comments/:id api/v1/comments#update update a specific comment in specific event
DELETE /api/v1/events/:event_id/comments/:id api/v1/comments#destroy delete a specific comment in specific event
GET /api/v1/events/:event_id/reports api/v1/comments#reports show all comments reported for a specific event (Bonus!!)
GET /api/v1/events api/v1/events#index show all events
POST /api/v1/events api/v1/events#create create a new event
GET /api/v1/events/:id api/v1/events#show show a specific event
PATCH/PUT /api/v1/events/:id api/v1/events#update update a specific comment
DELETE /api/v1/events/:id api/v1/events#destroy destroy a specific event
POST /api/v1/reports api/v1/reports#create create a new report
POST /api/v1/signup api/v1/users#create create a new user

Following are examples of request using httpie.

Request comments

Show all comments for event with id = 1 :

$ http :3000/api/v1/events/1/comments

Create a new comment for event with id = 1 and user id = 1 :

$ http POST :3000/api/v1/events/1/comments text="Nice event" user_id=1

Show a comment with id = 1 for event with id = 1 :

$ http :3000/api/v1/events/1/comments/1

Update a comment text attribute with id = 1 for event with id = 1 :

$ http PUT :3000/api/v1/events/1/comments/1 text="Bad event"

Delete a comment with id = 1 for event with id = 1 :

$ http DELETE :3000/api/v1/events/1/comments/1

Show comments reported for event with id = 1 :

$ http :3000/api/v1/events/1/reports

Request events

Show all events :

$ http :3000/api/v1/events

Create a new event :

$ http POST :3000/api/v1/events/ name="Roberto Carlos'End of year show" description="Last show of the year" latitude=22.22 longitude=34.22

Show event with id = 1 :

$ http :3000/api/v1/events/1

Update event latitude attribute with id = 1:

$ http PUT :3000/api/v1/events/1 latitude=34.36

Delete event with id = 1:

$ http DELETE :3000/api/v1/events/1

Show comments reported for event with id = 1:

$ http :3000/api/v1/events/1/reports

Request reports

Create a report to specific comment with id = 1 from user with id = 1 :

$ http POST :3000/api/v1/reports user_id=1 comment_id=1 

Request Users

Create a new user

$ http POST :3000/api/v1/signup name="Mister james" email="james@hotmail.com" password="123" password_confirmation="123"