
Docs for MaxCDN's API

Primary LanguageHTML

MaxCDN API docs

Page structure


Docs page uses default.html template. The file structure is as follows:


|-- header.html (page meta)
|-- includes.html (CSS/font refs)


Page title, page content, main containers and rows are written here.

|-- navbar.html (Logo and navigation)
|-- sidebar.html (sidebar for non-reseller clients)
|-- docs.md (complete content of the page)
|-- footer.html (JS files)

docs.md (page content)

Markdown file which contains the complete content. Content which is written in Markdown is labeled as [Index].

|-- authentication.md
|-- account.md
|-- zones.md
|-- reports.md
|-- rawlogs.md
|-- originshield.md
|-- ssl.md


Reseller page uses page.html template. The file structure is as follows:


|-- header.html (page meta)
|-- includes.html (CSS/font refs)


Page title, main containers and rows are written here.

|-- navbar.html (Logo and navigation)
|-- sidebar-reseller.html (sidebar for reseller clients)
|-- reseller.md (complete content of the page)
|-- footer.html (JS files)

reseller.md (page content)

Markdown file which contains the complete content. Content which is written in Markdown is labeled as [Index].

|-- authentication.md
|-- account.md
|-- zones.md
|-- reports.md
|-- rawlogs.md
|-- originshield.md
|-- ssl.md
|-- clients.md


Layouts can be found in the _layouts folder. Default ones are:

  • default.html
  • page.html
  • post.html

default.html and page.html are used for this website and they contain HTML code which includes main containers and includes.


  1. Install git (if you don't have it installed already)
  2. Navigate to the local folder where you would like to store the project, clone the repository and edit it locally:

$ git clone https://github.com/MaxCDN/apidocs.git

  1. Ensure that all upcoming commits are made in gh-pages branch:

$ git checkout gh-pages


The branch gh-pages is the main Git branch that is recognized by GitHub. All code inside gh-pages branch will be processed by Liquid (templating engine) on GitHub's end every time a new push is performed. The end result will be deployed on the live site.

When performing any kind of changes (adding/removing text, editing CSS and similar files), it's preferable to make all changes inside the master branch, test the changes locally and then merge the changes with the gh-pages branch when finished with editing. Performing a git push will push the changes to the main GitHub repository and changes will be reflected on the live site after purging the pull zone cache.

Switching to master branch

$ git checkout master

Merging the changes into gh-pages

$ git checkout gh-pages

$ git merge master

Adding content


  1. Create a new .html file (it can be in any directory, but doesn't have to)
  2. Create a new .md file for Markdown content (empty)
  3. Add the following code to the .html file
layout: layout_name
title: page_title
permalink: /relative/path
{% capture variable_name %} {% include markdown.md %} {% endcapture %}
{{ variable_name | markdownify }}
  • layout_name within layout: layout_name is the name of the file found in _layouts folder and it should be put without extension (filename.ext => filename)
  • title: page_title is meta for page title you are creating
  • permalink: /relative/path is a location to HTML file created in step #1
  • filename within {% capture variable_name %} is a custom variable that is filled with the value of {% include markdown.md %} where filename.md is the Markdown file (if you have one - not mandatory to have it) and then calling markdownify with {{ variable_name | markdownify }} you are building the content defined in Markdown file (markdown.md)
  1. Push on Git

$ git add .

$ git commit -m 'comment'

$ git push

Page content

Page content should be added to the corresponding .md files (docs.md or reseller.md). Markdown can be used both in main .md files and in modules.

Markdown syntax

Standard tags

# - h1

## - h2

### - h3

content(#link) - Link

Paragraph - No markup


Column 1 Content | Column 2 Content | Column 3 Content | 
--- | --- | ---

uses highlighted style for the previous row


{% include modulename.ext %} (file should be in _includes folder)


Sidebar content is included from _includes/sidebar.html (sidebar-reseller.html for Reseller page). Sidebar content is inputted in the following divisions:

<div class="span3">
	<div id="docs-navbar" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="201">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="span3">
				<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">

Example li:

<li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>

Example ul:

<ul class="nav-bold nav-down hide">
	<li class="nav-sub"><a href="#auth-overview" class="gotohash">Overview</a></li>

Links in sidebar include a href which refers to an anchor on the page (i.e. <a id="auth-overview">). IDs are automatically added through jQuery for h elements (h1, h2, etc.).

API Method and Endpoint section


<div class="heading">
	<div class="url GET"><span class="http_method">GET</span>
	<span class="path">https://rws.maxcdn.com/{companyalias}/account.json</span></div>

Tabbed content

Each new section should increment the class number for ul and li.


If tabbed menu with myTab exists, new tabbed menu should have myTab2. All elements within myTab2 unordered list should have the same index (ruby2, python2, etc.).


<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab1">
	<li class="active"><a href="#ruby1" data-toggle='tab'>Ruby</a></li>
	<li><a href="#python1" data-toggle='tab'>Python</a></li>
	<li><a href="#perl1" data-toggle='tab'>Perl</a></li>
	<li><a href="#php1" data-toggle='tab'>PHP</a></li>
	<li><a href="#node1" data-toggle='tab'>Node</a></li>
	<li><a href="#csharp1" data-toggle='tab'>.NET/C#</a></li>
	<li><a href="#response1" data-toggle='tab'>Response</a></li>

Important: Ensure that first li element has active class as well, so it's the focused tab on the current page section!


<li class="active"><a href="#ruby1" data-toggle='tab'>Ruby</a></li>

Tabs content

<div class="tab-content">
	<div class="tab-pane active" id="ruby1">
			//Your code goes here

Important: Ensure that first tab-pane div has active class as well so it matches with the focused tab above!


<div class="tab-pane active" id="ruby1">

Important: Code within <pre> tags will print indentation and white spaces so avoid adding spaces or [tabs] before the text itself because, it will be indented twice (or more).

Adding new tabs

If you are adding new tabs in docs make sure to add div identificator (ruby, python, php, node, csharp,...) into /public/js/main.js and /public/js/main.min.js to skip scrolling effect on switching between them:

if (target.toString().indexOf('#ruby') ==-1 &&
                target.toString().indexOf('#python') ==-1 &&
                target.toString().indexOf('#php') ==-1 &&
                target.toString().indexOf('#node') ==-1 &&
                target.toString().indexOf('#csharp') ==-1 &&
                target.toString().indexOf('#response') ==-1 )

Restoring to previous revision

In case the content should be reverted to one of the previous revisions, follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://github.com/MaxCDN/apidocs/tree/gh-pages in browser
  2. Click on “X commits” above the file listing, where X is the number of commits that were made to the repository.
  3. Locate the desired revision and copy it’s hash from the right. In the example the hash is e57638e
  4. Make sure that the changes are made to gh-pages:

$ git checkout gh-pages

  1. Initiate reset using the hash of the selected revision:

$ git reset e57638e


Website will be built and available on:



The changes will not be visible on docs.maxcdn.com and reseller.docs.maxcdn.com until the CDN Pull Zone is purged.