
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This piece of software helps to evaluate rdf datasources to understand the converage of the attributes over a set of given entities.
The entities must be expressed as valid URIs.

This code is meant to support the development of soweego.


Get started

  1. Download PyCharm
  2. Download this repository
  3. Open this repository as PyCharm project with PyCharm
  4. Get a whatever format list of entities URI
  5. Give to that file a smart name (not mandatory)
  6. Create a folder with the same name of the list file inside raw_people_lists
  7. Put the list inside the folder you have just created
  8. Inside the folder create a file __init__.py
  9. Create also a getter.py file
  10. In getter.py define get_people_list().
    This function must return a list of valid URI strings created from your raw list.
  11. Put the file name into config.py
  12. Run main.py

Project Architecture

Project entry point: main.py
Data source selection: config.py

1. Raw entities list

Is the first state of the process.
Basically you give a whatever format list, with valid URIs.

With a dynamic module loading architecture, you define how your file format becomes a list of URI strings.
The definition is given by you into getter.py, as described in Getting Started.

2. Common format entities list

This step happens inside people_list.py, it's triggered calling get_people_list().
Basically from it reads from the config.py which getter.py module should be dinamically loaded.
Once loaded calls getter.get_people_list() and stores the common format list into people_lists folder. (to avoid useless computation in next runs)
All this stuff is done only if there is no list stored for the selected data source.

3. Caching / Mirroring

In this step each URI stored in the common format list for the selected data source is downloaded and stored. To be more precise, each URI not already stored. In fact this technique is extremely useful to save time on multiple runs.
The entities are stored into cache/{selected_datasource_filename}/.
This operation is defined into cache.py.

4. Properties coverage computation

Iterates over the cached entities and keeps a dictionary property - usage_count.
Then the ration with the entity count is made and all this information is written into properties_coverage/{selected_datasource_filename}.csv . This step is defined into people_list.py.


If you want to remove all the intermediate computation stored to do a clean run, remove cache, people_lists and properties_coverage folders.


• Improve feedback on what's happening while the script is executing