Apache Spark PMC Member and Committer, Software Engineer at Databricks
Databricks Inc.Belgrade, Serbia
MaxGekk's Followers
- 233deepakAmazon
- AbSomeone
- alxbnct
- ArunD
- bibhu107Amazon Ind
- Bobstar55اسيا التوريدات العامه
- cassimahmedattia@alnafi @The-Intelligent-Thinker
- chenkovskyFudan
- Clownsw
- Connor9994
- dbatomicdatabricks
- dengzimingIn the clouds @ByteDance
- diviyeshpatel@BWLegal
- eottenSt. Louis, MO
- FirePrometheus0109
- GideonPotokNY
- guixiaowen
- hu8813Vienna, Austria
- huangxiaopingRDShenzhen, China
- joelhandwellNew York
- Leviafan901
- mayankvadariya@starburstdata
- mmdemirbas@huawei
- NaseerUllahAwanComing Soon!!!
- packbase
- paulpaul1076
- PaysonXuAlipay
- PhilDakin
- rajeevpunjabi
- RocMarshal@Shopee @apache Ex @jd-opensource
- SteNicholas@apache
- Stojanovic94Niš, Serbia
- TheHuman2022VladPolunin
- valentinp17Moscow
- williamhyun@apache @Purdue
- WweiLDatabricks