
Spectrum Spectre is a program aimed at informing the user of how colors displayed are being used to manipulate their psyche.

Primary LanguagePython

Spectrum Spectre


Only 32 Kb

What is this?

Spectrum Spectre is currently a command-line application(CLI) aimed at showing the user how colors are being used to influence their psyche in the digital world.

How Do I Use It?

Clone the repo:

```git clone https://github.com/HexSeal/SpectrumSpectrePy ```

Download all the dependencies:

```pip install -r requirements```

Navigate to it in your terminal

```cd ../spectrumspectrepy```

Run it

```python3 main.py -ss | -link (url) ```
  • The flag -ss takes a screenshot for analysis. The -link flag requires a url to a jpg or png image for analysis.