
An api that allows you to CRUD superbeings with a database

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is SuperAPI, where you can make and store your own superbeings! The easiest ways to make requests are through Postman or Insomnia

Getting Started

First, Install the necessary modules:

npm install

Then start the server

npm start

Sign up and log in

Go to the /auth/sign-up with the paramters

        username: your-username
        password: your-password

Then log in at /auth/login

Making Requests

See all supers: /

To create: /add/superperson

To read: /(name)

To update: /update/(name)

To delete: /delete/(name)

The information for the hero should be formatted like this:

    "name": "Batman",
    "image": "https://i.imgur.com/LDok9do.jpeg",
    "origin": "Gotham City"