
Simple EC2 Instance scheduler

Primary LanguageHCL

Simple EC2 Instance Scheduler

A Terraform module for placing Lambda function with AWS EventBridge rules for scheduling start \ stop instances

What is in progress?

  • Terraform wrapper for Python
  • Documentation
  • IAM Role creation
  • AWS EventBridge rule
  • AWS EventBridge target
  • Move all variables and add output to corresponding files


module "start_ec2_instances" {
  source          = "./aws-ec2-scheduler
  name            = "start"
  schedule_time   = "cron(0 8 ? * MON-FRI *)"
  tag_key         = "environment"
  tag_value       = "dev"
  schedule_action = "start"
  ec2_schedule    = "true"

module "stop_ec2_instances" {
  source          = "./aws-ec2-scheduler
  name            = "stop"
  schedule_time   = "cron(0 8 ? * MON-FRI *)"
  tag_key         = "environment"
  tag_value       = "dev"
  schedule_action = "stop"
  ec2_schedule    = "true"