AutoCatcher is a node module developed for automating Pokétwo.
An update can be expected in the following week regarding Pokétwo auto voting system
Use the package manager npm to install module.
npm i autocatcher
const { hint, solveHint, shinyHunt } = require('autocatcher');
//Checking if pokemon is spawned
var spawned_embed = ``; //Discord Message content
console.log(hint(spawned_embed )); //returns true/false
//Solving hint
var new_hint = ``;
console.log(solveHint(new_hint)) //returns pokemon name if recognized
//Shiny Hunting Specific Pokemon...
var pokemon = `Charmander`, token = `token`;
var servers_allowed: ["922465517833420812", "Server_2"] //Servers where it should catch
var config = {limit: 75, allowedGuilds: servers_allowed} //Limit: Number at which it should stop catching.
shinyHunt(token, pokemon, config) // Returns null. Token, if valid, would be online and catching.
- Hint Solver
- Spawn detector
- Spawn Notifier[Webhook]
- Auto-Shiny Hunter
- Auto-Incense-r
- Market Nuker
- Market Sniper
- Auction Sniper
- Auction Notifier
- AutoVoter []
- AutoVerify
- Incense Searcher
- Event Update [Last Update: 05/31/2022]
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.