
A *conceptual* explaination of a comic tool that eliminates baked-in text


A conceptual explaination of a comic tool that eliminates baked-in text.

What it is, and why

The tool overlays text onto raw panels/pages. This allows for translations to be done with MTL (such as DeepL or Google Translate). This also allows for translations to be made without the need for re-drawing SFX or text. Doing this also allows for the overlay to be turned off in order to see the original intent. Creators can use this to share their works across lanuage barriers.

How it works

The tool (in the form or a website, or userscript, or other tool) takes in:

  1. An image (by URL or otherwise)
  2. Text information (Dialoge, SFX, etc, along with location about font, location, etc)
  3. SVGs for elements such as speech bubbles, and masks for SFX that may go behind objects.