Learn how to optimize the performance of your MongoDB deployment. This course will cover how to use best practices for achieving performance at scale in a MongoDB system.
- Lab 1.1 - Install Course Dependencies:
- import
mongoimport --db m201 --collection people --drop --file people.json
- run query:
> db.people.count({"email" : {"$exists": 1}})
- Lab 1.2 - Install MongoDB Compass:
- Install MongoDB Compass 1.5
- Lab 2.1 - Using Indexes to Sort:
> db.people.createIndex({"first_name": 1, "address.state": -1, "address.city": -1, "ssn": 1})
> db.people.find({"first_name": "Jessica", "address.state": {$lt: "S"}}).sort({"address.state": 1})
> db.people.find({"first_name": "Jessica"}).sort({"address.state": 1, "address.city": 1})
> db.people.find({"address.state": "South Dakota", "first_name": "Jessica"}).sort({"address.city": -1})
- Lab 2.2 - Optimizing Compound Indexes:
> db.people.createIndex({"address.state": 1, "last_name": 1, "job": 1})
> db.people.find({
"address.state": "Nebraska",
"last_name": /^G/,
"job": "Police officer"
> db.people.find({
"job": /^P/,
"first_name": /^C/,
"address.state": "Indiana"
}).sort({ "last_name": 1 })
> db.people.find({
"address.state": "Connecticut",
"birthday": {
"$gte": ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
"$lt": ISODate("2011-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
- Lab 3.1 - Explain Output:
mongoimport --db m201 --collection restaurants --drop --file restaurants.json
> var exp = db.restaurants.explain("executionStats")
> exp.find({"address.state": "NY", stars: {$gt: 3, $lt: 4}}).sort({name: 1}).hint({"address.state": 1, "stars": 1, "name": 1})
- Lab 4.1 - Equality, Sort, Range:
mongoimport --db m201 --collection accounts --drop --file accounts.json
> db.accounts.find({accountBalance : {$gte : NumberDecimal(100000.00)}, city: "New York"}).sort({lastName: 1, firstName: 1})
> db.accounts.createIndex({ city: 1, lastName: 1, firstName: 1, accountBalance: 1 })
- Lab 4.2 - Aggregation Performance:
mongoimport --db m201 --collection restaurants --drop --file restaurants.json
> db.restaurants.aggregate([
{$match: {stars: {$gt: 2}}},
{$sort: {stars: 1},
{$group: {_id: "$cuisine", count: {$sum: 1}}}
> db.restaurants.createIndex({"stars": 1})