Development Documentation

How to Set Up Test Environment

  • Change the host url to 'http://localhost:5757' in client/config.js.
  • Install Mysql 5.7. DO NOT install version 8.0 as we are using version 5.7 on production. For Macbook, you can use brew to install it and start running the database on local machine if you have already installed brew:
brew install mysql@5.7
brew services start mysql@5.7

For PC, please follow the guideline to install Mysql 5.7:

  • When installing the database, set empty password for root user.
  • Log into mysql and create the cauth database (only do it at the first time):
mysql -u root
  • Install nodemon
npm install -g nodemon
  • Install server code dependencies
cd server
npm install
  • Initialize the database (only do it when there's a change in database schema)
node tools/initdb.js test
  • Run the server program in test mode
npm run dev

How to Add a Table in Database

  • Go to phpadmin of the test server on Tencent Cloud, manually create the table.
  • Export the table and download it as .sql file.
  • Copy the file to server/tools/sql_tables.
  • Run server/tools/initdb.js on local machine and verify that all the tables can be successfully created.
  • Add the file to git repo.