
A simple booking app.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple booking app made with React, Typescript, Vite, and TailwindCSS. Tested with Vitest and Playwright.


Use the npm package manager to install dependencies. Make sure you are using the latest stable version of Node.js (v20.11).

npm install


Set up the environment variables under the .env or .env.local files. The file .env-example includes the required environment variables that are non-sensitive.

Testing and linting

You can use the test script to run all the tests.

npm run test

You can use the e2e script to run all available E2E tests with Playwright.

npm run e2e

You can lint your code with the lint script, only typecheck the code with the types script, or check the formatting with the format script.

npm run lint
npm run types
npm run format


Inside the src/ directory, you will find the following files:

  • app.tsx: the root component.
  • index.css: the CSS entry point for TailwindCSS;
  • main.tsx: the main entry-point of the application;
  • vite-env.d.ts: typing definition for environment variables;

This project follows a "domain" structuring, i.e., all the directories inside the src/. Currently, there are two business domains: bookings and properties. There is also the commons domain, which is used to group resources and code that can be used anywhere in the application. Inside a domain directory, there are other directories: components, hooks, assets, mocks, and pages, which are self-explanatory in their contents.

Tests are placed right next to the code they are testing. If there is a component file component.tsx, its test should be placed in the same directory as component.test.tsx.

All the E2E tests are palced apart from the src directory, under its own directory named e2e.


All the data required in network requests can be mocked. We use MSW to mock the HTTP requests/responses. You can see examples of mocking inside the [domain]/mock/http-handlers.ts.

All the client-side network requests are made using the SWR hooks to efficiently use available resources, prevent duplication of requests, and utilize the cache.


We use React Router v6 as the routing library. All the routes are defined in app.tsx. All the pages are defined in the [domain]/pages directory.

Data model

The property domain, in the context of this application, models a physical real estate property that can receive bookings from users. A property has a name, a description, a thumbnail image, a rating, and a price per night.

The booking domain models the abstract reservation of a property within a time interval. A booking is associated with a property and has a starting date and an ending date. The value of the booking is calculated by multiplying the number of nights between the starting and ending dates by the price per night of the associated property. Bookings are exclusive to properties; the same property cannot receive two different overlapping bookings.

Additionally, a property has an integer value called offsetDays that is required, usually by the property host, for cleaning between bookings. If there is a booking within a set of days, a number of offsetDays before and after are unavailable for booking.