Primary LanguagePython

SSTBAN model

We give three examples (PEMSD8_36_36, PEMSD4_36_36, Seattle_1hour_36_36), and hyperparameters in the configuration documents are the best.

  • PEMSD8 experiments:

    • data prepare:

      1. Enter the "SSTBAN/prepare/"
      1. Run "python prepareData_SSTBAN.py --config configurations/PEMSD8_1dim_construct_samples.conf"
      1. We can get different training data by adjusting the PEMSD8_1dim_construct_samples.conf
    • model training:

      1. Enter the "SSTBAN/"
      1. Run "python train_SSTBAN.py --config configurations/PEMSD8_1dim_24.conf"
  • PEMSD4 experiments:

    • data prepare:

      1. Enter the "SSTBAN/prepare/"
      1. Run "python prepareData_SSTBAN.py --config configurations/PEMSD4_1dim_construct_samples.conf"
      1. We can get different training data by adjusting the PEMSD4_1dim_construct_samples.conf
    • model training:

      1. Enter the "SSTBAN/"
      1. Run "python train_SSTBAN.py --config configurations/PEMSD4_1dim_24.conf"
  • Seattle experiments:

    • data prepare:

      1. Enter the "SSTBAN/prepare/"
      1. Run "python prepareData_SSTBAN.py --config configurations/Seattle_3dim_construct_samples.conf"
      1. We can get different training data by adjusting the Seattle_3dim_construct_samples.conf
    • model training:

      1. Enter the "SSTBAN/"
      1. Run "python train_SSTBAN.py --config configurations/Seattle_3dim_24.conf"

You can download the data from:

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vBn8UDbIOz5T_MAahVNoYccR0jDjjFh-/view?usp=sharing

One Drive: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuEMUxDDxoXMxGdrVE7f9CYy330R?e=l6Jy01

Baidu Cloud: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MwWspHYSsg5fJsiYMiqn2g password:g4hw

Aliyun Cloud: https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/1bkb3bUFE53