
first real project of IOT that alows you to control the brightness of the RGB Led using web server

Primary LanguageHTML


first real project of IOT that alows you to control the brightness of the RGB Led using web server

-to run server first you need to install Node.js link: https://nodejs.org/en/download/

second run "server check.bat" for first time(press ctrl+d to continue) then you can run server by run "start.bat" open web page and type your ip or "localhost"

-to edit server or webpage you you can use visual studio code link: https://code.visualstudio.com/download

-for aduino you need these libraries :

  1. for esp8266 and nodeMCU use these libraries : #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WebSocketsClient.h>
  2. for esp32 use these libraries : #include <WiFi.h> #include <WebSocketsClient.h> #include <analogWrite.h>

-change these vlaues in (aruino-code.ino) depend on your server's settings :

//Wi-Fi settings : const char *ssid = "Wireless Name"; const char *pass = "Your Password";

//server ip , port number and page URL : #define SERVER "" #define PORT 80 #define URL "/"

//pins that RGB Led connected to : #define redPin 32 #define greenPin 33 #define bluePin 25