UCTRONICS Ultimate Pi Rack OLED service

Simplified install process and aligned display fork for the UCTRONICS PoE Ultimate Pi Rack (U6143) OLED screens.



  • Code-base: Removed unnessessary options, relying on CircuitPython module to keep setup quick and easy.
  • Filenames: Changed filenames to more user-friendly text, i.e. rack_oled.py instead of ssd1306_stats.py
  • OLED Output: Fixed alignment and removed line overflows.

Note: I've only tested this on Raspberry Pi 4Bs running Ubuntu Server 20.04.

Setup Process

  • Grab this repo:
git clone https://github.com/MaxVRAM/pi_rack_oled.git
  • Install required Python modules:
sudo apt install python3-pil
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306
  • Test the script manually:
cd ~/pi_rack_oled
sudo python3 rack_oled.py
  • If everything runs nicely, edit the provided service file to point to the script's location:
nano rack_oled.service
  • Then link and add the service to your systemd:
sudo systemctl link /home/pi/pi_rack_oled/rack_oled.service
sudo systemctl enable rack_oled
sudo systemctl start rack_oled