
Achievements mod & library for Lethal Company.

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Lethal Achievements

A framework for creating and managing achievements in Lethal Company.

Note: this is purely a framework, and does not include any achievements by itself.

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What is this?

This is a framework for creating achievements in Lethal Company. It is designed to be simple to use, while also being flexible enough to allow mostly any kind of achievement to be created.

The library makes use of LethalModDataLib to keep track of whether an achievement was completed or not. It is recommended to use this library to keep track of your achievement internal state (e.g. progress towards completion).

How to use

Creating an achievement

An achievement needs to be a class that implements the IAchievement interface. Additionally, the achievement should evoke the AchievedEvent event whenever it is completed, since the achievement manager listens to this event.

It is, however, recommended to use the BaseAchievement class as a base class for your achievement. This class already provides a simple Complete() method that you can use to mark the achievement as completed.

Included in things you need to implement are the Name and DisplayText properties, which are used for the achievement popup. There is also the SaveLocation property, which decides whether the achievement is a global achievement or a save-specific achievement (This means the achievement can either be achieved once for all saves, or once for each save). Make sure to also set the IsAchieved property to false, since otherwise the achievement will be considered achieved by default.

Finally, you'll need to implement the Initialize and Uninitialize methods. You should use these methods to subscribe and unsubscribe from events that your achievement listens to, as well as clear any internal state that you might have that shouldn't carry over between game loads. The Initialise method is called by the achievement manager on game load. Additionally, when an achievement is achieved, the Uninitialize method is called, and the achievement will be skipped in the future for that save (assuming the SaveLocation is set to SaveLocation.CurrentSave, and the save is not deleted).


Achievement names should be unique inside of a single plugin. If you have multiple achievements with the same name, the achievement manager will only keep track of the first one it encounters.

Achievement names do not need to be unique across plugins. If you have multiple plugins with achievements that have the same name, the achievement manager will keep track of all of them. Internally, it prefixes the achievement name with the plugin's name to ensure uniqueness.

Registering an achievement

To register an achievement, you need to instantiate it and register it with the achievement manager. The achievement manager will handle keeping track of, loading, and saving the achievement's IsAchieved state. It will initialize the achievement when a game is loaded. If your achievement uses the ModData attribute from LethalModDataLib for any of its fields or properties, the achievement manager will also register the achievement with said library for you, ensuring the achievement's internal state is saved and loaded correctly.

To register an achievement, all you need to do is call the AchievementManager.RegisterAchievement method with an instance of your achievement class as an argument. This should be done in your plugin's Awake method.

Implementing an achievement

The implementation of the achievement itself is up to you. It is recommended to use the LethalModDataLib library to keep track of the achievement's internal state. It is recommended to use events to change your achievement's internal state, and to let the achievement itself handle the logic of whether it is completed or not.


Below is an example of a simple achievement that is completed when the player has jumped 10 times.

It extends the BaseAchievement class, since that provides the Complete() method. Additionally, it overrides the Name and DisplayText properties since these are required for the achievement to be displayed in the achievement popup.

It keeps track of the number of times the player has jumped in a field that is saved and loaded by the LethalModDataLib library. This ensures progress towards the achievement is continued between game loads.

Finally, it subscribes to the PlayerJumpEvent event in the Initialize method, and unsubscribes from it in the Uninitialize method. When the player jumps, it increments the JumpCount field, and if the player has jumped 10 times, it calls the Complete() method to mark the achievement as completed. The achievement manager will then take care of the rest (e.g. displaying the achievement popup, calling the Uninitialize method, etc.)

/// <summary>
///     An example achievement that will be achieved when the player jumps 10 times.
/// </summary>
public class Jump10Achievement : BaseAchievement
    /// <summary>
    ///     The number of times the player has jumped.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks> This field will be saved and loaded by the ModData library. </remarks>
    [ModData(SaveWhen = SaveWhen.OnSave, LoadWhen = LoadWhen.OnLoad, SaveLocation = SaveLocation.CurrentSave)]
    private int JumpCount { get; set; }
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override string Name { get; set; } = "Jump for Joy";
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override string? DisplayText { get; set; } = "You've jumped 10 times!";
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override void Initialize()
        PlayerJumpEvent += OnPlayerJump;

    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override void Uninitialize()
        PlayerJumpEvent -= OnPlayerJump;
    private void OnPlayerJump()
        if (JumpCount >= 10)



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