
Auto-runner for Dominions 6 to speed up battle testing

Primary LanguageF#


Mandrake is a simple GUI-based app designed to speed up testing battles in Dominions 5 and 6.

Essentially, you start Mandrake.exe, enter the information it asks for so it knows what folders to watch, and then leave it running while you start a multiplayer Dominions game against yourself. Mandrake will watch the saved games folder for 2h files, and will show each version of the 2h files in the UI. For example, you might have one 2h file that says you want EA Marverni to attack province 143 with 50 Boar Warriors and 6 communioned Marverni Druids, and another 2h file that says you want the druids to spend their time casting Iron Warriors instead of communioning. Mandrake will show both versions in the UI and will wait for you to approve at least one version for every nation you control, then it will create and run multiple new games for every combination of the orders you approved. They will show up inside of Dominions as new games and you can view the results and get an idea of how good your strategy was, and how much of a role luck played in the outcome.

Limitations: due to a bug in Dominions 6 v 6.01, Mandrake does not work well with mods that add new monsters including the Debug mod. You must either play without mods or run the generated turns in the UI after Mandrake creates them for you.