
simpleRESTcache is a simple API cache system written on Go

Primary LanguageGo


simpleRESTcache is a simple API cache system written on Go. It stands in front of you API Endpoint and act as a proxy/cache system. simpleRESTcache also has the ability to change an original API Endpoint response and transform it format that you prefer. For example you have original JSON with dozen fields and need only three of them and one field is a concatenation two from original. In other words you can write your own parse logic and easily set simpleRESTcache for using it.

simpleRESTcache Overview Diagram

Getting started


CLI arguments

Usage of simpleRESTcache:
  -api-URL string
    	URL of an endpoint API (default "https://places.aviasales.ru/v2/places.json")
  -sla duration
    	SLA time is a period for which a response to a client must be provided. Valid time units are "ms", "s", "m", "h" (default 3s)
  -expiredPeriod duration
    	Expired cache duration. Valid time units are "m", "h" (default 24h0m0s)
  -dsn string
    	Database Source Name (default "root:root@tcp(mysql:3306)/cache?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local")
  -http-addr string
    	HTTP listen address (default ":8080")
  -control-addr string
    	Control listen address (default ":8081")
    	Set debug mode


svcclt is a simpleRESTcache service management tool. svcclt is command line interface for control a simpleRESTcache instance. Read more

srcctl -h <host> -p <port> COMMAND
|- stat			# Display statistic of cache usage
|   |- all		# Display all from cache
|   |- top <N>	    	# Display top <N> popular requests to cache. <N> number 
|   |- last <N>	    	# Display last <N> unpopular requests to cache. <N> number
|- cache		# Manage cache
|   |- all		# Display all from cache
|   |- clean		# Delete all cache records
|   |- refresh		# Refresh all cache records
|- settings		# Display settings of a cache system

Change a storage subsystem

There are two storage subsystem exists. One stores cache in memory. Other stores cache in MySQL. You can choose one of those. By default it stores in MySQL. For change to store cache in memory change in file cmd/simplerestcache/main.go storage "simpleRestCache/pkg/storage/inmem" -> storage "simpleRestCache/pkg/storage/gorm"

Responce parse subsystem

You can easily adjust by changing in file pkg/service/ parser "simpleRestCache/pkg/parser/aviasalesru/placesjsonv2" -> your parser import

See simpleRestCache/pkg/parser/aviasalesru/placesjsonv2 as an example.

Request handle workflows

First meet a request. There is no cache.


There is a cache. The cache is not expired. A response time good enough for canceling request to a API Endpoint.


There is a cache. The cache is not expired. A storage response is very slow for canceling request to an API Endpoint. Got a responce from API Endpoint and from the storage.


There is a cache. But it is expired. Wait a responce from an API Endpoint.


Reach SLA! Need to do anything. Either return an expired cache or wait a response from an API Endpoint.



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