
[Under construction!] OpenVINO VPU Plugin and Compiler

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenVINO VPUX Plugins family

Components in this repository



  • Doxygen

    sudo apt install doxygen
  • OpenJDK (for plantuml diagrams)

    sudo apt install default-jdk

How to generate

VPUX Plugin has automatically generated documentation describing the plugin design and API used for implementing it. Documentation can be built by the following commands

make vpux_plugin_docs

Execute the following to open documentation

chromium-browser ./docs/VPUX_DG/generated/html/index.html # chromium users
firefox ./docs/VPUX_DG/generated/html/index.html # firefox users

= Environment =

Git projects

The following projects are used and must be cloned including git submodules update:

Environment variables

The following environment variables should be set:

KMB Environment variables

The testing command assumes that the KMB board was setup and is available via ssh.

The following environment variables should be set:

  • The KMB_BOARD_HOST environment variable to the hostname or ip address of the KMB board.
  • The KMB_WORK_DIR environment variable to the working directory on the KMB board.

= Build =

= Run =

Bypass mode (HDDL2)

Bypass related preparations

[MCM Emulator]

= Development =


  • Install the proper version of ClangFormat tool:
    • In Linux: $ sudo apt install -y clang-format-9
    • If you use another OS, please update this document after you install the application
  • Set up the formatter tool in your IDE:
    • For Visual Studio Code IDE, follow this manual.
      • In Linux, the path to ClangFormat9 application is usually /usr/bin/clang-format-9 You can check it with $ which clang-format-9
    • If you use another IDE, please update this document after you set it up properly
  • If necessary, you can format the whole project at once:
    • Set CMake option: -D CLANG_FORMAT=path_to_your_clang_format_9
    • Build target clang_format_fix_all

Code style

Developer build

The VPUX plugin has extra CMake option to enable Developer build, which is orthogonal mode for Release/Debug configuration. The mode is enabled with -D ENABLE_DEVELOPER_BUILD=ON CMake option, which should be added to kmb-plugin CMake command line. The mode enables extra debugging and logging functionality not available in default build:

  • Pipeprint functionality on KMB board. It allows to get logs from VPU side on ARM. Can be enabled with IE_VPUX_ENABLE_PIPEPRINT=1 environment variable.

Debugging - Getting output from runtime

The following environment variables should be set:

  • The TOOLS_DIR environment variable to the Movidius Tools directory.
  • The VPUIP_HOME environment variable to the [VPUIP_2 Project] cloned directory
  1. Build firmware via make_std_fw_image.py with options:

  2. rsync -avz $VPUIP_HOME/application/vpuFirmware/vpu_b0.bin root@$KMB_BOARD_HOST:/lib/firmware/vpu_custom.bin

  3. Start server

    cd $TOOLS_DIR/linux64/bin
    ./moviDebugServer --arm-reset=none
  4. Start Movidius debug tool

    cd $VPUIP_HOME/application/vpuFirmware/FW_bootLoader
    make debugi
  5. Run the app on the device, the logs will be displayed via moviDebug2

Profiling - enable performance measuring in compiler

To enable insertion of additional timer DMAs in the network:

  1. Compile and run inference using benchmark_app with additional flag "-pc" (For using existing blob see 2.)
  2. To compile blob (using compile_tool) with profiling enabled: a) Enable it in the compiler config file(*.json): look for "PerformanceCounting" in "GlobalConfigParams" b) Add "PERF_COUNT YES" to compiler config file (-c option in compile_tool)
  3. To parse profiling data manually you can use prof_parser. Run prof_parser -h to get info about its usage.

=== Integration ===

How to update graph schema in mcmCompiler

To update generated C++ headers for graph schema add the following parameter to kmb-plugin CMake configure command: -D MCM_GRAPH_SCHEMA_TAG=<tag or branch name>, where <tag or branch name> should be an existing tag or branch in graphFile-schema repository.

It will add graph schema update target to the common build. The C++ headers for graph schema will be updated during the build.

Note: The generated headers are stored in the KMB Plugin Project repository and must be committed if there are changes. This is done to simplify cross-compilation build and build without access to graphFile-schema repository.

How to port changes from mcmCompiler GitHub

To port changes from mcmCompiler GitHub repository to kmb-plugin run the following commands:

export MCM_PATCH_FILE=~/mcm.patch
git diff [first commit]..[last commit] > $MCM_PATCH_FILE
git apply --directory=src/mcmCompiler/ --reject $MCM_PATCH_FILE

Where [first commit]..[last commit] - commit range to transfer. For example, [first commit] is previous merge commit, [last commit] - current merge commit for PR.

The above commands will transfer code difference to kmb-plugin repository. Separate commit still should be created.

git diff / git apply can be replaced with git format-patch / git am to transfer separate commits with their messages and other properties. See git documentation for details.

How to integrate vpualHost to kmb-plugin

export KMB_PLUGIN_HOME=<path to kmb-plugin>
export VPUAL_HOME=<path to vpualHost>
rm -rf $KMB_PLUGIN_HOME/artifacts/vpualHostInstallPackage/*
cp -r $VPUAL_HOME/install/* $KMB_PLUGIN_HOME/artifacts/vpualHostInstallPackage/
git checkout -b <name_of_new_branch>
git add -A
git commit -m "integrate new version vpualHost"

=== Dependencies ===

G-API Preprocessing

The VPUX plugins uses G-API based preprocessing located in G-API-VPU project.

For any questions regarding this component please refer to G-API-VPU project maintainers.