

Major components of the project, which are responsible for sending network requests are:

  • Dispatchable protocol and Dispatcher class. Dispatcher conforms to Dispatchable and allows to send actual network request.
  • Endpoint protocol. Allows to provide enough information for Dispatcher so that it can request the data (URL, HTTP method, HTTP headers etc).
  • Service protocol. Provides a blueprint for the extendable networking services that are based on dispatchers.


Application supports different styles for both Light and Dark modes.

Light Dark


Major components are documented. Descriptive comments are used whenever it makes sense to provide more clarity. Multi-level logging is used to provide more flexibility during troubleshooting.


Entities are implemented with testability in mind. Some of the components (like Dispatchable) have been mocked and tested. Corectness of caching is verified by using unit-tests as well.