
Student Project

Primary LanguagePHP


  • php >= 7.2
  • Composer
  • NodeJs
  • pdo_sqlite (php extension => file : php.ini)
  • mb_string (php extension => file : php.ini)
  • OpenSSL => needed for composer (add : extension=php_openssl.dll at the end of file php.ini)

Getting Started

  • clone the application : git clone https://github.com/MaximeBattu/escalapp.git
  • open command terminal in the folder created/cloned
  • install composer : composer install OR php composer.phar install
  • install composer dependency : doctrine (to make sure update migration are working ) : composer require doctrine/dbal
  • create sqlite file : database.sqlite in database/
  • duplicate file .env.example and rename it .env => situated at the root of the folder escalapp
  • open the following file .env and modify DB_DATABASE you have to pass the absolute path to database.sqlite
    • Warning : put / instead of \ (on Windows)
    • If the path contains space, put it in quotes
    • Ex : DB_DATABASE="F:/Users/Maxime BATTU/Desktop/escalapp/database/database.sqlite"
  • launch database migrations : php artisan migrate
  • launch database seeders : php artisan db:seed
  • generate application key : php artisan key:generate
  • install frontend dependencies : npm install
  • compile frontend files : npm run dev
  • launch application with php local server : php artisan serve
  • open your browser and search localhost:8000 or the affected port (display on command terminal)
  • If you want to do css/js, launch : npm run watch in an other command terminal

Adding project to git

  • Before sending your modifications on the git you must compile your frontend files (production mod) npm run prod
  • Add the files you modified/created/deleted : git add .
  • Check the status of the files you've added : git status
  • Commit your modification : git commit -m "Message"
  • After pushing you need to pull the actual project : git pull or git pull origin master
    • You need to read the command terminal and see in which files you have conflicts and fixed them
    • It's good to open the files with conflicts on VSCode : it helps you to fixed your conflicts (automatically) Example of conflict on VSCode
    • Once you fixed your conflicts you need to add the files you modified git add . then commit your changes git commit -m "your message : solve conflicts on ..."
  • Finally you can push your modifications on the git : git push or git push origin master


  • If you have style problem when you pulled the project launch : npm run dev