Primary LanguageJava


Build & run

  • build : mvn package
  • run: java -jar wasp-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar /path/to/wasp-conf.json

WARNING: if you want to test directly the project after a pull from git. Here's what you have to do:

  • mvn install in WASP directory and mvn package for each example.
  • indicate the absolute location of jar of exemples in wasp-conf.json file WASP server configuration

To run WASP-server you need to passe a json file like the following exemple. exemple:

"port": "1234",
"applications": [
    "description":"application do something"
    "description":"application do something"

Application Configuration

  • With wasp.son wasp.json should be directly in the WASP- INF directory of the jar of your application. All resources of your application should be located there. exemple:

        "controllers": [
          {"className": "com.exemple.controller.PointController", "requestMappings":
              {"resource": "/list", "methods": ["GET"], "callback": "list",
                "produceType": ["application/json","text/plain"]
              {"resource": "/p/(id)/x", "methods": ["GET"], "callback": "getX",
                "produceType": ["application/json","text/plain"],
                "arguments": [{"sourceType": "path-variable", "sourceRef": "id", "type": "java.lang.Integer"}]
              {"resource": "/p/(id)/y", "methods": ["GET"], "callback": "getY",
                "produceType": ["application/json","text/plain"],
                "arguments": [{"sourceType": "path-variable", "sourceRef": "id", "type": "java.lang.Integer"}]
              {"resource": "/p/(id)", "methods": ["PUT"], "callback": "update",
                "arguments": [
                  {"sourceType": "path-variable", "sourceRef": "id", "type": "java.lang.Integer"},
                  {"sourceType": "request-variable", "sourceRef": "x", "type": "java.lang.Integer"},
                  {"sourceType": "request-variable", "sourceRef": "y", "type": "java.lang.Integer"}
              {"resource": "/p", "methods": ["POST"], "callback": "addPoint",
                "contentType": ["application/json","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
                "produceType": ["application/json","text/plain"],
                "arguments": [
                  {"sourceType": "request-body", "type": "stl.upmc.com.model.Point"}
            {"resource": "/p/(id)", "methods": ["DELETE"], "callback": "removePoint",
              "arguments": [{"sourceType": "path-variable", "sourceRef": "id", "type": "java.lang.Integer"}]
       "viewMapping":{"prefix": "view/", "suffix":".html"}
  • With annotation first you need maven dependency:


and extend WaspConfig:

public class AppConfig extends WaspConfig{
public Class[] getAnnotatedControllers() {
    return new Class[]{PointController.class};

public ViewMapping getViewMapping() {
    return new ViewMapping("views/",".html");

after this, you can annotate your controller class like this:

public class PointController {
@RequestMapping(resource = "/p/(id)/x",methods = {MethodType.GET},produceType = {HttpContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON,HttpContentTypes.TEXT_PLAIN})
    public int getX(@PathVariable("id")Integer id) {...}

Return type of Resquest mapping

The method that is mapping a request can return:

  • a IHttpRequest
  • a IView
  • or any Object that can be converted to JSON or XML(with jaxb).