
Command line tools to view and extract Covid-19's data

Primary LanguagePython

Table des matières

  1. Installation
  2. Lancement
  3. Commandes
    1. map
    2. animation
    3. plot
    4. country
    5. csv_country
    6. today
    7. world


Cloner ce dépôt et disposer de Python3. S'assurer de disposer des librairies du requirements.txt. pip install -r requirements.txt pour tout installer.



python3 run.py --help pour voir les commandes disponibles.



map permet de générer des cartes Leaflet (JavaScript) selon les données voulues. On peut également associer à chaque pays un graphique avec les données souhaitées. Le début de ces graphiques (Jour 0) est définissable par l'utilisateur.

Pour la carte et les graphiques, les jeux de données disponibles sont:

  • cases_of_the_day
  • deaths_of_the_day
  • total_cases
  • total_deaths
  • cases_of_the_day_per_10000
  • deaths_of_the_day_per_10000
  • total_cases_per_10000
  • total_deaths_per_10000

Les options suivantes sont disponibles pour map:

  • -mtd, --map_total_deaths : Create a Leaflet layer with the cumulative deaths data
  • -mtc, --map_total_cases : Create a Leaflet layer with the cumulative cases data
  • -mdd, --map_deaths_of_the_day : Create a Leaflet layer with the deaths_of_the_day data
  • -mcd, --map_cases_of_the_day : Create a Leaflet layer with the cases_of_the_day data
  • -mcdpi, --map_cases_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a Leaflet layer with the cases_of_the_day data per 10000 inhabitants
  • -mddpi, --map_deaths_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a Leaflet layer with the deaths_of_the_day data per 10000 inhabitants
  • -mtcpi, --map_total_cases_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a Leaflet layer with the data of the cumulative cases per 10000 inhabitants
  • -mtdpi, --map_total_deaths_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a Leaflet layer with the data of the cumulative deaths per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ptd, --plot_total_deaths : Create a Vega plot with the cumulative deaths data
  • -ptc, --plot_total_cases : Create a Vega plot with the cumulative cases data
  • -pdd, --plot_deaths_of_the_day : Create a Vega plot with the deaths_of_the_day data
  • -pcd, --plot_cases_of_the_day : Create a Vega plot with the cases_of_the_day data
  • -pmin, --plot_min : Define the value of the minimal value to process in the Vega plots
  • -pcdpi, --plot_cases_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cases of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -pddpi, --plot_deaths_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the deaths of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ptcpi, --plot_total_cases_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cumulative cases per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ptdpi, --plot_total_deaths_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cumulative deaths per 10000 inhabitants
  • -h, --help : Show this message and exit.

Les possibilités étant nombreuses, voici quelques exemples:

  • python3 run.py map -mtd -ptd -pmin 5 python3 run.py map -mtd -ptd -pmin 5
  • python3 run.py map -mcd -ptc -pmin 100 python3 run.py map -mcd -ptc -pmin 100


animation permet de générer un graphique animé GIF en fonction du pays et des données souhaitées.

Les jeux de données disponibles sont:

  • cases_of_the_day
  • deaths_of_the_day
  • total_cases
  • total_deaths
  • cases_of_the_day_per_10000
  • deaths_of_the_day_per_10000
  • total_cases_per_10000
  • total_deaths_per_10000

Les arguments sont:

  • COUNTRY : name of a country, with a capital letter at the beginning
  • OUTPUT_FOLDER : name of the folder which will have the CSVs
  • MIN_CASES : number minimum of cases or deaths to put in the plot
  • MAX_DAYS_AHEAD : number of days of prediction
  • MIN_POINTS : minimum of points in the plot
  • ROLLING_MEAN_WINDOW : size of the window for the rolling average

Plusieurs options sont disponibles:

  • -td, --total_deaths : Process the cumulative deaths data
  • -tc, --total_cases : Process the cumulative cases data
  • -cd, --cases_of_the_day : Process the cases of the day data
  • -dd, --deaths_of_the_day : Process the deaths of the day data
  • -cdpi, --cases_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cases of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ddpi, --deaths_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the deaths of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -tcpi, --total_cases_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cumulative cases per 10000 inhabitants
  • -tdpi, --total_deaths_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cumulative deaths per 10000 inhabitants
  • -h, --help : Show this message and exit.


  • python3 run.py animation United\ States -td python3 run.py animation United\ States -td


plot permet de générer des graphiques en fonction des pays, un pays par graphique, ou plusieurs pays par graphique, en fonction d'un indicateur parmi les suivants:

  • cases_of_the_day
  • deaths_of_the_day
  • total_cases
  • total_deaths
  • cases_of_the_day_per_10000
  • deaths_of_the_day_per_10000
  • total_cases_per_10000
  • total_deaths_per_10000

Plusieurs options sont disponibles:

  • -c, --country TEXT : Execute the command for the country
  • -f, --full : Execute the command for all the countries
  • -l, --liste LIST : Execute the command for a list of countries
  • -ptd, --plot_total_deaths : Create a PNG plot with the data of cumulative deaths of the given country(ies)
  • -pdd, --plot_deaths_of_the_day : Create a PNG plot with the data of the deaths of the day of the given country(ies)
  • -ptc, --plot_total_cases : Create a PNG plot with the data of cumulative cases of the given country(ies)
  • -pcd, --plot_cases_of_the_day : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cases of the day of the given country(ies)
  • -pcdpi, --plot_cases_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cases of the day per 10000 inhabitants of the given country(ies)
  • -pddpi, --plot_deaths_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the deaths of the day per 10000 inhabitants of the given country(ies)
  • -ptcpi, --plot_total_cases_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cumulative cases per 10000 inhabitants of the given country(ies)
  • -ptdpi, --plot_total_deaths_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cumulative deaths per 10000 inhabitants of the given country(ies)
  • -h, --help : Show this message and exit.


  • python3 run.py plot -pddpi -c United\ States python3 run.py plot -pddpi -c United\ States


country est une commande qui rassemble pour le pays donné toutes les sorties possibles. Elle permet soit de sortir toutes les sorties avec -fo -fd, soit de choisir la donnée d'entrée et le fichier de sortie (CSV ou graphique PNG).

Les arguments suivants sont disponibles:

  • output_folder : indiquer le dossier où les fichiers seront crées (default='out')
  • country : indiquer le nom du pays voulu (pas de valeur défaut)

Les options suivantes sont disponibles:

  • -td, --total_deaths : Process the cumulative deaths data
  • -tc, --total_cases : Process the cumulative cases data
  • -cd, --cases_of_the_day : Process the cases of the day data
  • -dd, --deaths_of_the_day : Process the deaths of the day data
  • -cdpi, --cases_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cases of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ddpi, --deaths_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the deaths of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -tcpi, --total_cases_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cumulative cases per 10000 inhabitants
  • -tdpi, --total_deaths_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cumulative deaths per 10000 inhabitants
  • -fd, --full_data : Process all the available data
  • -c, --csv_o : Create a CSV file in output
  • -p, --plot : Create a PNG plot in output, with beginning and end of quarantine dates
  • -fo, --full_outputs : Create CSV files and PNG plots in output
  • -h, --help : Show this message and exit.

Exemples :

  • python3 run.py country dossier France -td -p python3 run.py country dossier France -td -p
  • python3 run.py country dossier United\ States -cd -p python3 run.py country dossier United\ States -cd -p


csv_country permet de générer des fichiers CSV pour un plusieurs pays avec les informations suivantes:

  • date
  • country
  • cases_of_the_day
  • deaths_of_the_day
  • total_cases
  • total_deaths
  • cases_of_the_day_per_10000
  • deaths_of_the_day_per_10000
  • total_cases_per_10000
  • total_deaths_per_10000

Pour spécifier le(s) pays dont on souhaite les données depuis le 31 décembre 2019, utiliser les options suivantes:

  • -c, --country TEXT : Execute the command for the country
  • -f, --full : Execute the command for all the countries
  • -l, --liste LIST : Execute the command for a list of countries
  • -h, --help : Show this message and exit.


today permet de créer un fichier CSV pour les données du jour-même selon les pays spécifiés et les données voulues. Si les données datent de la veille (car pas encore mises à jour sur le site soucre), un message s'affichera, et ces données de la veille seront utilisées. De nombreuses options sont disponibles et sont à combiner:

  • -c, --country TEXT : Execute the command for the country
  • -f, --full : Execute the command for all the countries
  • -l, --liste LIST : Execute the command for a list of countries
  • -td, --total_deaths : Process the cumulative deaths
  • -cd, --cases_of_the_day : Process the cases of the day
  • -dd, --deaths_of_the_day : Process the deaths of the day
  • -tc, --total_cases : Process the cumulative cases
  • -cdpi, --cases_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cases of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ddpi, --deaths_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the deaths of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -tcpi, --total_cases_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cumulative cases per 10000 inhabitants
  • -tdpi, --total_deaths_per_10000_inhabitants : Process the cumulative deaths per 10000 inhabitants
  • -h, --help : Show this message and exit.

Voici un tableau récapitulatif des résultats qu'il est possible d'obtenir (données d'exemple):

Options -c -f -l
-td country,total_deaths
-cd country,cases_of_the_day
-dd country,deaths_of_the_day
-tc country,total_cases
-td, -cd,
-dd ou -tc
non spécifiés
-cdpi country,cases_of_the_day_per_10000
-ddpi country,deaths_of_the_day_per_10000
-tcpi country,total_cases_per_10000
-tdpi country,total_deaths_per_10000


world permet de traiter uniquement les données globales mondiales et d'obtenir des CSV et des graphiques selon la date souhaitée (celle du jour-même, ou jour par jour depuis le 31 décembre 2019).

De nombreuses options sont disponibles:

  • -t, --today : Process the data of today
  • -f, --full: Process all the data from all the dates available
  • -cf, --csv_full : Create a CSV file as output with all data
  • -cdd, --csv_deaths_of_the_day : Create a CSV file as output with the deaths of the day
  • -ctd, --csv_total_deaths : Create a CSV file as output with the cumulative deaths
  • -ctc, --csv_total_cases : Create a CSV file as output with the cumulative cases
  • -ccd, --csv_cases_of_the_day : Create a CSV file as output with the cases of the day
  • -ccdpi, csv_cases_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a CSV file with the data of the cases of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -cddpi, csv_deaths_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a CSV file with the data of the deaths of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ctcpi, csv_total_cases_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a CSV file with the data of the cumulative cases per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ctdpi, csv_total_deaths_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a CSV file with the data of the cumulative deaths per 10000 inhabitants
  • -pf, --plot_full : Create all the 4 plots available
  • -pdd, --plot_deaths_of_the_day : Create a PNG plot from the deaths of the day
  • -pcd, --plot_cases_of_the_day : Create a PNG plot from the cases of the day
  • -ptd, --plot_total_deaths : Create a PNG plot from the cumulative deaths
  • -ptc, --plot_total_cases : Create a PNG plot from the cumulative cases
  • -pcdpi, --plot_cases_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cases of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -pddpi, --plot_deaths_of_the_day_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the deaths of the day per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ptcpi, --plot_total_cases_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cumulative cases per 10000 inhabitants
  • -ptdpi, --plot_total_deaths_per_10000_inhabitants : Create a PNG plot with the data of the cumulative deaths per 10000 inhabitants
  • -h, --help : Show this message and exit.

Voici un tableau récapitulatif des résultats qu'il est possible d'obtenir en CSV (données d'exemple):

Options -t -f
-cf date_today, cases_of_the_day, deaths_of_the_day, total_cases, total_deaths
2020-04-06, 10000, 5000, 100000, 50000
for_each_date, cases_of_the_day, deaths_of_the_day, total_cases, total_deaths
2019-12-31, 0, 0, 0, 0
2020-04-05, 9000, 4000, 90000, 40000
2020-04-06, 10000, 5000, 100000, 50000
-cdd date_today, deaths_of_the_day
2020-04-06, 5000
for_each_date, deaths_of_the_day
2019-12-31, 0
2020-04-05, 4000
2020-04-06, 5000
-ctd date_today, total_deaths
2020-04-06, 50000
for_each_date, total_deaths
2020-12-31, 0
2020-04-05, 40000
2020-04-06, 50000
-ctc date_today, total_cases
2020-04-06, 100000
for_each_date, total_cases
2020-12-31, 0
2020-04-05, 90000
2020-04-06, 100000
-ccd date_today, cases_of_the_day
2020-04-06, 10000
for_each_date, cases_of_the_day
2020-12-31, 0
2020-04-05, 9000
2020-04-06, 10000
-ccdpi date_today, cases_of_the_day_per_10000
2020-04-06, 0.01
for_each_date, cases_of_the_day_per_10000
2020-12-31, 00.01
2020-04-05, 0.02
2020-04-06, 0.03
-cddpi date_today, deaths_of_the_day_per_10000
2020-04-06, 0.01
for_each_date, deaths_of_the_day_per_10000
2020-12-31, 00.01
2020-04-05, 0.02
2020-04-06, 0.03
-ctcpi date_today, total_cases_per_10000
2020-04-06, 0.01
for_each_date, total_cases_per_10000
2020-12-31, 00.01
2020-04-05, 0.02
2020-04-06, 0.03
-ctdpi date_today, total_deaths_per_10000
2020-04-06, 0.01
for_each_date, total_deaths_per_10000
2020-12-31, 00.01
2020-04-05, 0.02
2020-04-06, 0.03
-pdd inutile -f -pdd
-pcd inutile -f -pcd
-ptd inutile -f -ptd
-ptc inutile -f -ptc
-pcdpi inutile
-pddpi inutile
-ptcpi inutile
-ptdpi inutile