
Se trouve dans ce dépôt le Projet de Compilation réalisé dans le cadre du Master 1 en Informatique à l'UGA par l'équipe OKaLM (Membres de l'équipe : Defours Ronan - Liakopoulos Georgios - Diard Jules - Deroissart Maxime)

Primary LanguageJava

Organization of the archive

ARM/     arm source example and compilation with libmincaml   
asml/    asml examples
doc/     all the documentation, start with index.hml
java/    MinCaml parser in Java + examples of tree traversal algo, if you do 
         the project in java  
mincaml/ MinCaml examples
ocaml/   MinCaml parser in OCaml, if you do the project in OCaml
scripts/ put your test scripts and symbolic links there, and add this 
         directory to your path
tests/   put your tests there
tools/   asml intepreter (linux binary)

We recommend that you add scripts/ and the dir that contains mincamlc to your