
A command-line interface in Node.js to filter a list of elements containing a pattern.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A command-line interface in Node.js to filter and count a specific list of elements based on a pattern.

Getting Started

For being able to use this program, NodeJS is required.


npm install


node app.js [...options]
Option Description
--help Summary of program usage and available options
--filter[value] Filter by animals matching name's value
--count Add counter next to countries and people's names

Basic examples

Note: all data are stored in sampleData file

# Show usage and options
node app.js --help

# Show countries and people where animal's name contains 'ze' (ex: Gazelle) 
node app.js --filter=ze

# Add counter next to countries and people's names 
node app.js --count

# Filter and count options can be combined 
node app.js --filter=ze --count


npm run test