Traefik reverse proxy

Don't forget to :

  1. Have your subdomains setup.

  2. Create the acme file

touch acme.json
chmod 600 acme.json
  1. Create user(s) credentials
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
htpasswd -nb admin secure_password
  1. Set user(s) credentials and email address in traefik.toml
cp traefik.default.toml traefik.toml
nano traefik.toml
# set user credentials to the hash from htpasswd
# set email to something
  1. Set the front-end rule for the Traefik dashboard in docker-compose.yml.
cp docker-compose.default.yml docker-compose.yml 
nano docker-compose.yml
# set monitor subdomain in front-end rule
  1. Create a docker network called proxy.
sudo docker network create proxy
  1. Start Traefik container
sudo docker-compose up -d