
NumPy file parsing and serialization for TensorFlow.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NumPy file parsing and serialization for TensorFlow.js

test npm

This is a fork of tfjs-npy, which adds:

  • New synchronous APIs
  • .npz parsing and serialization
  • Loading and saving files from disk
  • Ability to parse from Buffer and typed arrays (e.g. UInt8Array), in addition to ArrayBuffers

Note that because of support for .npz (which uses zlib for zipping), and for loading and saving files, this library is meant to be used in Node.js, not in the browser. If you want to convert to npy in the browser, consider using the original tfjs-npy.

See the Numpy docs for more information about the file format.


# Using npm
$ npm install tfjs-npy-node

# Using yarn
$ yarn add tfjs-npy-node


import * as tf from "@tensorflow/tfjs-core";
import { npy, npz } from "tfjs-npy-node";

// .npy files //

// Load a Tensor from a `.npy` file:
const tensor1: tf.Tensor = await npy.load("file.npy");

// Parse a Tensor from an `ArrayBuffer`, `Buffer` or typed array (e.g.
// `UInt8Array`) containing the bytes of a `.npy` file:
const npyArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer = getArrayBufferFromSomewhere();
const tensor2: tf.Tensor = npy.parse(npyArrayBuffer);

// Save a tensor to a `.npy` file:
await npy.save("file2.npy", tensor2);

// Serialize a tensor to an `ArrayBuffer` containing the bytes of the `.npy`
// file:
const npyArrayBuffer2: ArrayBuffer = await npy.serialize(tensor1);
const npyArrayBuffer3: ArrayBuffer = npy.serializeSync(tensor2);

// .npz files //

// Load a Tensor from a `.npz` file:
const tensors1: tf.Tensor[] = await npz.load("file.npz");

// Parse a Tensor from an `ArrayBuffer`, `Buffer` or typed array (e.g.
// `UInt8Array`) containing the bytes of a `.npz` file:
const npzArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer = getArrayBufferFromSomewhere();
const tensors2: tf.Tensor[] = npz.parse(npyArrayBuffer);

// Save a tensor to a `.npz` file:
await npz.save("file2.npz", tensors2);

// Serialize a tensor to an `ArrayBuffer` containing the bytes of the `.npy`
// file:
const npzArrayBuffer2: ArrayBuffer = await npz.serialize(tensors1);
const npzArrayBuffer3: ArrayBuffer = npz.serializeSync(tensors2);


Getting started

Clone the repo, install dependencies, and run the tests:

$ git clone git@github.com:MaximeKjaer/tfjs-npy-node.git
$ cd tfjs-npy-node
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm run test

Releasing a new version

If you have write access to the main branch of the repo, use npm version.

The package.json defines some tasks that are automatically executed when bumping the package version. You will need to have the GitHub CLI installed if you want the automatic release creation to work.