
Set up git

  1. getgit -> https://gitforwindows.org/ and install (use defaults)
  2. cd to where you safe your pbo files
  3. use git to clone the repository 'git clone '
  4. Done

To Edit

  1. open the game
  2. Load the editor with Tanoa
  3. Load the game files
  4. Start editing

Set up the game client

  1. Use steam to launch Arma 3 and selecte the following mods
  • ExileEden
  • M3Editor
  • Exile
  1. Start arma with mods

After changes

  1. 'git status' to see your changes
  2. 'git add -A' to add them all
  3. 'git commit -m "message with change log"' to queue files
  4. 'git puhs' to push you chnages up

Required Mods

  1. Exile
  2. M3Editor - 3DEN
  3. CBA_A3
  4. CUP Weapons
  5. CUP Units
  6. CUP Vehicles
  7. CUP Terrain Core
  8. Extended_Base_Mod
  9. Ryan Zombies