For filing bugs, suggesting improvements, or requesting new features, please open an issue.
Please use the following to reach members of the community:
Please read and apply the following rules to contribute to this project:
One git repository for all automation code (THIS REPOSITORY ONLY!)
How to contribute to this repository?
Keep it modular - write Ansible roles! each feature should be one role
documentation for
Work with branches
master branch = production branch, used for all production setups
feature branch = personal branches to work on a new feature (based on master branch)
Make it understandable for other persons
Comment your code
Each role needs a description
What is the role doing?
What is required for usage?
Make usefull commits
Use Tags: ADD / NEW / FIX / CHG in front of your commits
Use Comment tag for deeper information at bigger changes
No hardcoding
use variables
variables must be defined outsite of the role (vars, group_vars, host_vars, etc)
New features needs to merged into the master branch by using pull-requests
the code needs to be review and approved by 2 team members
the approvement needs to be documented!
all new features merges needs the documentation part in the merge request!
NEVER commit keys, credentials, usernames, passwords, etc to the git repository!!!
all keys and credentials must be stored in AWX
using shell scripts / bash commands is the last option
only if there is no Ansible module available
single commands can be used by command/shell module
multiline commands needs to be stored in an script
script/bash usage must be documented in detail (why you are using this?)
the Ansible role must be able to handle bash command errors
Bug handling
For each Bug open an Issue at the gitlab project page
Bugs will be tracked by the project board
Feature requests
Feature requests can be requestes by creating an Issue
Feature requests will be tracked by the project board
Playbooks don’t execute any tasks, they are used to call roles.
Every Role is used for one part and should include multiple tasks
tasks should not be to complex, f.e. you do not provision a bastion host and install kubernetes on top in one task
This project uses git submodules to ensure you get everything needed, please use the following command(s):
# For git >= 2.13
git clone --recurse-submodules GIT_REPOSITORY_URL
# For older git versions
git submodule update --init --recursive
Create a feature / personal branch based on the master branch
Change your stuff
Create a merge request to "testing" branch
Two Developers / Maintainers needs to review and ACK the changes by +1
One of the Maintainers merge the branch to "testing"
Pipeline is starting. If successful the testing branch will be merged to master automatically.