
A first GO project to practice the language as well as working together.

Primary LanguageGo


What is this?

This is a simple TUI build in GO that is ment to improve upon the already great taskbook in one major way. It will allow nesting of groups.


We want to tackle several things with this project.
- Get more experience working together on a software project
- Learn GO and get better at the language
- Learn how to build a TUI
- Learn how to use the functionality of Github better (e.g. Issues / PR's etc.)


  • Code

  • Make an initial View model that pops up when no tasks have been created yet

  • Make an initial View model that pops up when there are tasks created

  • Make a Datastructure for Tasks, TaskGroups, SubGroups etc.

  • Add task and permanently store it locally

  • Be able to delete TaskGroups

  • Be able to edit TaskGroups

  • Have a way to "Zoom in" to a TaskGroup once it's selected.

  • Nested TaskGroups

  • Be able to delete tasks

  • Mark task completed

  • Readme

  • Adapt README further -> add more structure to it etc.

  • Github

  • Start using the issue system for feature requests / bug reports

  • Start using the PR's for merging branchnes & do code-reviews.