
Companion scripts for data processing in Stammnitz et al., 2023

Primary LanguageR

Scripting Copyright

Analysis scripts accompanying Stammnitz et al., 2023

Maximilian Stammnitz, Transmissible Cancer Group, University of Cambridge (2015–2022)

This repository contains custom R scripts which - in conjunction with the associated supplementary files - can be used to replicate the main figures presented in: The evolution of two transmissible cancers in Tasmanian devils (Stammnitz et al. 2023, Science 380:6642).

The scripts are written to run on R version 3.6.3 or later. You should be able to check your current version of R by running the command below:

R --version

The current R version is also shown when opening RStudio or the R Console.

Scripts require the following R packages: readxl, stringr, scales, lubridate, data.table, Biostrings, GenomicRanges, ggplot2, ggmap, rstudioapi, ggsn, circlize, caper, phytools, treeio, ggtree, rectanglePacking

Although care has been taken to make the code distribution-independent, it is possible that some of the scripts only work on Unix/MacOS systems, and may need to be modified in order to run on Windows systems.

For any feedback or requests, please get in touch with me via email: maxrupsta@gmail.com