API Test Project

This project is designed for testing APIs using Python, requests, and pytest. It includes a structured setup with pipenv for dependency management and centralized fixtures through conftest.py.

Folder Structure

The project is organized as follows:

├── src/
│   ├── __init__.py             # Initialize the src package
│   └── api_client.py           # API client implementation
├── tests/
│   ├── __init__.py             # Initialize the tests package
│   ├── conftest.py             # Centralized pytest fixtures
│   └── test_api.py             # Test cases for the API client
├── .gitignore                  # Git ignore file to exclude unnecessary files from version control
├── Pipfile                     # Pipenv file specifying project dependencies
├── Pipfile.lock                # Pipenv lock file to ensure deterministic builds
└── README.md                   # Project documentation (this file)



  • Python 3.11
  • pipenv for managing dependencies


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Install dependencies using pipenv:
    pipenv install

Running Tests

To run the tests, execute the following command:

pipenv run pytest

Test Cases included in this repository

The following table summarizes the test cases included in this project:

Test Case Description Expected Result
GET /facts returns 200 Verifies the /facts endpoint returns status code 200 OK reponse's status code is 200 OK
GET /facts returns a non-empty list Verifies the /facts endpoint returns a JSON list of objects response body is instance of List and the size is greater than 0
GET /facts returns the correct data It verifies the data the API is returning is correct The response parsed as JSON is compared against the expected JSON and they should be equal
POST /facts returns 401 Unauthorized Verifies that sending a POST to /facts without being authenticated, returns 401 The response status code is equals to 401
/GET /non-existing-endpoint returns 404 Verifies that the API server handles correctly unexpected requests to non-existing resources The response status code is equals to 404 Not Found
GET /users returns 401 It verifies that sending a reuqest to GET /users returns 401 as it requires authentication as per documentation The response status code equals 401