
Instant lyrics for your current Spotify track

Primary LanguageVue

Spotify Karaoke

Hey guy, I've got TWO QUESTIONS for you. Do you like Spotify? Do you like singing karaoke? Well then prepare yourself for the surprise of your LIFE. It's Spotify Karaoke!

Remember a few years ago when the Spotify app had a Lyrics tab, and it was sync'd to the lyrics? It was a pretty great feature, but unfortunately they had to put an end to it, since they were licensing the service from a third-party. This is very expensive. Trust me, I checked.

This hit me especially hard, because I used this feature constantly. I always enjoy reading along with lyrics, but traditional lyrics websites were terrible, particularly on the go - you have to open a browser on your phone, search for the song, find a site, crawl through ads and burn through your data plan, etc. It's just a terrible experience.

My goal was to create a site that you could bookmark on iOS, open up, and have lyrics beamed into your face. The Spotify API lets you get a users currently playing track, and there are plenty of APIs that provide lyrics - so why not combine them both?

Enter: Spotify Karaoke. Login with Spotify one time, and never have to search for lyrics again. Just open SpotifyKaraoke from wherever you are, and you're looking at lyrics to whatever it is you're jamming along to.

This is an ongoing project that can only be improved. It does one specific job as needed, but I'm always open to hearing about new features. If you have any recommendations or improvements, feel free to create an issue. Other than that, load up Spotify Karaoke on your mobile device, bookmark it to your home screen, and you've got instant lyrics, on the go.


It's VueJS and Node. Spotify API for the playback status, and Genius API for the lyrics. Couldn't be simpler.


Got a cool idea for a SpotifyKaraoke feature, and want to develop it yourself? Have a blast. Entertaining any and all ideas. Create a new issue with your ideas and we can chat.