SurRon FarDriver setup and FAQ

Which controller should I get?

Far drive's documentation is a bit confusig, and on top of that different vendors state different specs. It seems that ND72530 is the one to get, you can find if on Aliexpress.

Where can I find documentation for this controller?

Where can I get the app for this controller?

What will I need to install this controller?

Good tools will make the job mush easier. At a minimum you will need a good crimper

And these connections:

Nice to have also:

For the motor extension cables:

How do I mount the controller?

You can build one easily from some 2mm sheet of metal and a good vice, or you can get a mounting guard from technicq-emx

How do I setup the controller for the SurRon?

It's actully fairly easy:

  1. Connect the motor and plug connectos to the contoller
  2. Lift the bike so the read wheel is in the air
  3. Start the controller, launch the app and connect to the controller.
  4. Click the AutoLearn button under the graph tab.
  5. Let the controller learn the motor, the controller will sound a beep when finished


  1. Switch to the Params tab, and set the TempSensor to 4-Cacu
  2. Change the MaxSpeed to around 4500RPM