
Case study for Per Scholas

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Social Media Project


Case study project for Per Scholas using Spring Boot, Bootstrap, JPA, Maven, Hibernate, and more

Set up instructions (step 1)

Windows (Powershell)

git clone https://github.com/Maxwell-lt/social-media-project.git
cd social-media-project
cat ./database-schema.sql | mysql -u root -p
mkdir images
echo "maxwell_lt.socialmediaproject.resourceroot=$((Resolve-Path -Path .\images).ToString().Replace('\', '\\'))" > .\src\main\resources\application-local.properties

Path escaping here only works with backslashes, will probably fail on paths with spaces.

Linux (Bash)

git clone https://github.com/Maxwell-lt/social-media-project.git
cd social-media-project
cat ./database-schema.sql | mysql -u root -p
mkdir images
echo "maxwell_lt.socialmediaproject.resourceroot=`readlink -f ./images`" > src/main/resources/application-local.properties

Set up instructions (step 2)

Modify database username and password in src/main/resources/application.properties

Run tests

./mvnw test

Start server

./mvnw spring-boot:run