
🚧 TrunkPlayer-NG is still under active development 🚧


This will be a complete rewrite of Trunk Player, all from scratch! The new version will be all API based, Kubernetes Ready, and Feature a beautiful new REACT UI thanks to @nebraskaCoder!

Dont expect this soon, Likely wont be till Summer, or Fall. But progress Continues, and we will work to keep updating the community! We are on a mission to build the most functional, feature rich, and obviously coolest looking Trunk playback UI


Planned Features 🎁 Please note some of these may change

  • [COMPLETE] Better Multi-System Support
  • [COMPLETE] Multiple site Recorder per System support
  • [COMPLETE] System / Incident Transmission Forwarding (Allowing you to share transmissions with a whole separate TrunkPlayer instance)
  • [COMPLETE] System ACLs
  • [COMPLETE] Talkgroup ACLs
  • [UNSTARTED] Kubernetes support (Allows for scaling for massive sites)
  • [COMPLETE] Better Security, ACLs and S3 Signing
  • [COMPLETE] All REST API based
  • [UNSTARTED] Trunk-Recorder Status server Metrics Dashboard
  • [UNSTARTED] File and TX Metrics Dashboard
  • [COMPLETE] User and Global Scan Lists
  • [IN PROGRESS] Sockets.IO for Better playback and fewer interruptions on playback
  • [COMPLETE] Talkgroup / Unit activity alert with Apprise
  • [UNSTARTED] Mobile app w/ push notifications
  • [COMPLETE] Audio Authentication/signing in s3
  • [UNSTARTED] Historical Transmission Page / API
  • [IN PROGRESS] Improved Incident System
  • [IN PROGRESS] Improved Global Notifications
  • [UNSTARTED] Pulse Point integration (UnOffical)
  • [IN PROGRESS] Click on unit to skip to time in transmission
  • [IN PROGRESS] System email customization
  • [IN PROGRESS] Branding Support

Development Update 1/1/21

Today I am confident to say to day the API (Only the API, not all functionality) has gone from PreAlpha to Alpha

  • I have connected TrunkPlayer-NG to Trunk Recorder and all seems to be working well!
  • Automatic System Radio Reference Import
  • Tested New Python feed script (working on site-offline caching (On TR Host))
  • I have tested audio file storage locally, and just need to test S3 (Will be natively secured)
  • I have Tested System Forwarders (Sending a Systems TX's to separate TP-NG)
  • I have Tested native Multi-Site Feed (With Allow/Block Lists)

Next steps:

  • Setup Tasks for radio operations
  • Setup Web communications
  • Setup Metrics App and API
  • Make official TR Plugin!

Just wanted to share the updates, as I was able to get quite a bit done over the holiday... and well the last Dev update was frankly underwhelming :( . We are getting closer! I'm optimistic that we can see a beta version by spring (Just API Backend for now)!

As for the frontend, dev is just starting as now the API's are Functional and @nebraskacoder can start to use them. So expect more and more frontend news in the near-distant future!


We are on a mission to build the most functional, feature rich, and obviously coolest looking Trunk playback UI