
A Discord bot and CLI for automating Reverse Split Arbitrage stock trading!

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

✨ AutoRSA ✨

Discord Bot and CLI Tool

A CLI tool and Discord bot to buy, sell, and monitor holdings across multiple brokerage accounts!

This program uses APIs to interface with your brokerages. When available, official APIs are always used. If an official API is not available, then a third-party API is used. As a last resort, Selenium or Playwright Stealth are used to automate the browser.


DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and not affiliated with any of the brokerages listed below. Use this tool at your own risk. I am not responsible for any losses or damages you may incur by using this project. This tool is provided as-is with no warranty.

Having an Issue? 🤔

I am not responding to issues on this repository. If you have an issue, please Sponsor me below and I will help you directly on Discord (for Sponsors and Contributors only).

Sponsor ko-fi

However, if you fix the issue yourself, please submit a pull request and I will review it.

Installation 📝

There are two ways to use this program: as a Discord bot or as a CLI tool. The setup instructions will be a little different depending on which method you choose. However, both methods require the same pre-setup steps, and the same .env file format.

Pre-Setup 🛠️

  1. Install git for your operating system.
  2. Clone this repository and cd into it:
git clone https://github.com/NelsonDane/auto-rsa.git
cd auto-rsa
  1. Copy the .env.example file to a new file called .env:

MacOS & Linux

cp .env.example .env


copy .env.example .env
  1. Fill in the .env file with your brokerage credentials. See the Supported Brokerages section for more information.

Now follow the instructions for either the Discord Bot or CLI Tool. Once setup is complete, see the Usage section for how to use the program.

Discord Bot Installation 🤖

To create your Discord bot and get your DISCORD_TOKEN for your .env, follow this guide.

There are two ways to run the Discord bot: using Docker or running the Python script. When running the bot using the Python script, the bot will only be online when the script is running. With Docker, the bot will run in the background, restarting and updating automatically.

Discord Bot: Docker 🐳

  1. Add DISCORD_TOKEN and DISCORD_CHANNEL to your .env file.
  2. Create the container using the provided docker-compose.yml file:
docker compose up -d
  1. The bot should appear online in Discord (You can also do !ping to check).

Docker Note: If you make any changes to your .env file, you will need to restart the container by running docker-compose up -d again. The bot will also automatically stay up to date thanks to the included Watchtower.

Discord Bot: Python Script 🏃‍♀️

  1. Install Python 3.10 or higher
  2. Create a Python virtual environment:
python -m venv autorsa-venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment:

MacOS & Linux

source ./autorsa-venv/bin/activate



You should see (autorsa-venv) in your terminal prompt now. You will need to activate this virtual environment every time you close and reopen your terminal.

  1. Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install Playwright's dependencies:
playwright install
  1. Add DISCORD_TOKEN and DISCORD_CHANNEL to your .env file.
  2. Start the bot using the following command:
python autoRSA.py discord
  1. The bot should appear online in Discord (You can also do !ping to check).

CLI Tool Installation 💻

To run the CLI tool, follow these steps:

  1. Install Python 3.10 or higher
  2. Create a Python virtual environment:
python -m venv autorsa-venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment:

MacOS & Linux

source ./autorsa-venv/bin/activate



You should see (autorsa-venv) in your terminal prompt now. You will need to activate this virtual environment every time you close and reopen your terminal.

  1. Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the script using python autoRSA.py. It should say that no arguments were given, then exit. This is expected, and means everything was installed and set up correctly.

Usage 👀

To buy and sell stocks, use this command:

<prefix> <action> <amount> <ticker> <accounts> <dry>

(Parameter explanation below)

For example, to buy 1 AAPL in all accounts:

<prefix> buy 1 AAPL all false

For a dry run of the above command in Robinhood only:

<prefix> buy 1 AAPL robinhood true

For a real run on Fidelity and Robinhood, but not Schwab:

<prefix> buy 1 AAPL fidelity,robinhood not schwab false

For a real run on Fidelity and Robinhood but not Schwab buying both AAPL and GOOG:

<prefix> buy 1 AAPL,GOOG fidelity,robinhood not schwab false

To check your account holdings:

<prefix> holdings <accounts>

For example, to check your account holdings on Chase and Vanguard, but not Robinhood:

<prefix> holdings chase,vanguard not robinhood

To restart the Discord bot:

!restart (without appending !rsa or prefix)

For help:

!help (without appending !rsa or prefix)

Parameters Explanation ⚙️

  • <prefix>: string, The prefix for the command. For the Discord bot, this is !rsa. For the CLI tool, this is python autoRSA.py.
  • <action>: string, "buy" or "sell"
  • <amount>: integer, Amount to buy or sell.
  • <ticker>: string, The stock ticker to buy or sell. Separate multiple tickers with commas and no spaces.
  • <accounts>: string, What brokerage to run command in (robinhood, schwab, etc, or all). Separate multiple brokerages with commas and no spaces.
  • <not accounts>: string proceeding not, What brokerages to exclude from command. Separate multiple brokerages with commas and no spaces.
  • <dry>: boolean, Whether to run in dry mode (in which no transactions are made. Useful for testing). Set to True, False, or just write dry forTrue. Defaults to True, so if you want to run a real transaction, you must set this explicitly.

Note: There are two special keywords you can use when specifying accounts: all and day1. all will use every account that you have set up. day1 will use "day 1" brokers, which are:

  • BBAE
  • Chase
  • Fennel
  • Firstrade
  • Public
  • Schwab
  • SoFi
  • Tastytrade
  • Tradier
  • Webull

This is useful for brokers that provide quick turnaround times, hence the nickname "day 1". A couple other keywords that can be used:

  • most: will use every account you have setup except for vanguard.
  • fast: will use every "day 1" broker + robinhood.

🗺️ Other Guides 🗺️

More detailed guides for some of the difficult setups:

Supported brokerages 👍

All brokers: separate account credentials with a colon (":"). For example, SCHWAB_USERNAME:SCHWAB_PASSWORD. Separate multiple logins with the same broker with a comma (","). For example, SCHWAB_USERNAME:SCHWAB_PASSWORD,SCHWAB_USERNAME2:SCHWAB_PASSWORD2.

Some brokerages require Playwright to run. On Windows, the playwright install command might not be recognized. If this is the case, run python -m playwright install instead.


Made by ImNotOssy using the BBAE_investing_API. Go give them a ⭐


.env file format:


Note: BBAE_USERNAME can either be email or phone number.


Made by MaxxRK using the chaseinvest-api. Go give them a ⭐

  • CELL_PHONE_LAST_FOUR Optional .env variables:
  • DEBUG (Set to True to enable debug mode)`

.env file format:


Note 1: Chase MUST be set to "classic trading experience". In order to do so navigate to Trade > Stocks & ETFs > click on a trading account > then click on Switch back to classic trading experience.


Made by ImNotOssy using the dSPAC_investing_api. Go give them a ⭐


.env file format:


Note: DSPAC_USERNAME can either be email or phone number.


Made by yours truly using the fennel-invest-api. Consider giving me a ⭐

Required .env variables:


.env file format:


Fennel accounts don't have passwords, so you need to login by inputting the code sent to your email. The script will then save your session credentials for future use.


Made by kennyboy106 using the fidelity-api. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:

  • FIDELITY_TOTP (If 2fa enabled, else NA)

.env file format:



Made by MaxxRK using the firstrade-api. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:


.env file format:


  • Note: You may now use any firstrade supported 2fa method, including pin, SMS, Email, or an Authenticator. Place any ONE of the below in the FIRSTRADE_OTP field:

  • Pin: Use the login pin you created when setting up the account.

  • Phone: Enter your 10 digit phone number with no spaces. I.E. 1234567890

  • Email: Enter your full email address. I.E. autorsa@autorsa.com

  • Authenticator: Use the code generated by Firstrade when adding an authenticator. Click on "Can't scan it?" to get the code.

If you get errors after upgrading, try clearing your cookies in the creds folder and then trying again.


Made by yours truly using using public-invest-api. Consider giving me a ⭐

Required .env variables:


.env file format:


Note: Because Windows already has a PUBLIC environment variable, you will need to use PUBLIC_BROKER instead.


Made using robin_stocks. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:

  • ROBINHOOD_TOTP (If 2fa enabled, else NA)

.env file format:


Configuring 2fa can be tricky, so follow this guide.

Note: Robinhood saves token cookies in the creds folder. These take precedence over the username/password set in the .env file. If you want to change accounts, you will need to delete the cookies in the creds folder for it to update.


Made using the schwab-api. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:

  • SCHWAB_TOTP_SECRET (If 2fa is enabled, else NA)

Optional .env variables:

  • SCHWAB_ACCOUNT_NUMBERS=ACCOUNT#1:ACCOUNT#2 (Optional, to specify the single account numbers the bot should use when buying. If not specified, all accounts will be used)

.env file format:


To get your TOTP secret, follow this guide.

Note 1: Think or Swim must be enabled on all accounts. To enable, go to Trade > Trading Platforms > Learn how to enable thinkorswim. Then press Continue and expand the thinkorswim Access Agreement and accept it. Then press Continue again. Then select the checkbox for all available accounts and press Submit. It may take a day or two for the accounts to be enabled.


Made by ImNotOssy using Playwright. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:


Optional .env variables:

  • SOFI_TOTP_SECRET (Optional, leave blank if not needed)

.env file format:



Made by ImNotOssy using Selenium. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:


.env file format:



Made by yours truly using the official Tradier API. Consider giving me a ⭐

Required .env variables:


.env file format:


To get your access token, go to your Tradier API settings.


Made by MaxxRK using the tastytrade-api. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:


.env file format:



Made using the webull library. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:


.env file format:


Your WEBULL_USERNAME can be your email or phone number. If using a phone number, it must be formatted as: +1-XXXXXXXXXX or +86-XXXXXXXXXXX.

To get your Webull DID, follow this guide.


Made by MaxxRK using the vanguard-api. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:


Optional .env variables:

  • DEBUG (Set to True to enable debug mode, otherwise False)
  • VG_ACCOUNT_NUMBERS=ACCOUNT#1:ACCOUNT#2 (Optional, to specify the single account numbers the bot should use when buying. If not specified, all accounts will be used)

.env file format:


Wells Fargo

Made by PZES using Selenium. Go give them a ⭐

Required .env variables:


.env file format: