An OSS Contributor. (Civic technology & Music & Decentralization); /* ----- */ Actively developing with TypeScript. Ruby / Rails in training.
@Cookpad @luco-incJapan
MaySoMusician's Followers
- 398noeTokyo/Japan
- acid-chickena certain research institute
- Agustinperezgomez87
- ainame@cookpad
- alecremEmployed
- anbgsl1110Hangzhou, China
- aoitokonekoJapan
- Atsushikeys
- AtsushiYamashitaTokyo.Akihabara
- bellflower2015Japan
- bhamadicharefSingapore
- chikakobilitis7Japan
- evesbayEVESBAY LTD
- internautBerlin
- Karolyna84Melbourne
- kazuhitonakayama@pepabo
- kota-yataサカイ引越センター
- krisfailThe University of Tokyo
- MadisonAsterHollywood, CA
- nehemiaharchivesChristian Today Japan
- NEKOYASAN@luco-inc @mierune @codeforjapan
- Ribin200411
- ShikiSuenFreelance (Film-Scoring Composer)
- shimadamaokinawa
- singerdmxGreat Seatte Area
- sizumita@yieldspace
- StephanGerbeth@GrabarzUndPartner
- tomocrafter@shiolab
- tuanductran@vnodesign
- TumuriOfficial
- usuyukiDeNA Co., Ltd.
- waarrkTRIFLE / Chiba Institute of Technology
- xasophenoGeneva
- y-chanThe University of Electro-Communications
- yasser44210Free of work
- yuisekiYuiseki Inc.