
Movie Browsing application Screenshot 2021-04-21 at 15 49 33

Table of contents

General info

This project is a Movie Browsing Application made with ReactJS.
You can browse movies using the OMDb API and show a specific movie's informations !

Technologies used

-React Bootstrap
-Framer Motion


To run this project, you will need Node.js and NPM installed.
You can check if you already have them installed by opening a terminal and running node --version and npm --version.
If numbers are printed, you're good to go.
If not, install them.

Run the following commands :

$ git clone 
$ cd movieBrowser
$ cd client 
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ cd server
$ npm install 

Before starting the app, you would encounter some errors because the ports and movieDB API Key are located in .env files (hence will not appear in your cloned code).

Some steps to follow in order to have the app work in your local machine :

-Create your own movieDB API key :

  1. Create an account on

  2. Generate an API key (as described here : The Movie Database API . Use version 3 of the API as its authentication mechanism is simpler than v4)

  3. In server create an .env file
    -Create these three variables inside that .env file :


API_KEY=(the Api Key you created in the previous step)
  1. In client create an .env.development.local file
    -Create one variable inside that .env.development.local file :
REACT_APP_BASE_URL = http://localhost:5000/
  1. Then, you will need to run the following command from server:
$ npm run concurrently

You should now be good to go !