BSICS-SVR a C++ firmware project implementing an ethernet-connnected controller for custom Test&Measurement Equipment.

Basic characteristics

  • uses a STM32 Nucleo-F767ZI board (optionally Nucleo-F746ZG)
  • 100Base-TX ethernet interface with LAN8742A PHY
  • uses FreeRTOS (CMSIS-RTOS v1 API), LwIP
  • CLion (CMake) project
  • SCPI server (default port 5025) via libscpi
  • todo: webserver for setup, control and graphing (websockets, flot charts)

See "UM1974 STM32 Nucleo-144 boards (MB1137) 8.0" (available at for "Hardware Layout and Configuration".


This project uses several rudimentary starting points which come with their own challenges. It is created as a new project for the Nucleo-F767ZI board, generated and configured using STM32CubeMX and appended by creating and copying files to a tidied-up project structure.

Changes and additions are made in an attempt to clean up the project and address known memory- and RTOS-specific issues.

  • the scpi-parser project kindly provides an SCPI server example which does not claim to be authoritative, just a convenient starting point. libscpi is not thread-safe - it requires a dedicated thread, the communication with which is queue-based.

  • The ST-provided LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS code example is outdated and contains fundamental flaws. It's unclear whether these are fixed at the time of this writing.

  • STM32CubeMX middleware can be assumed to contain bugs, thread-safety issues and memory protection / memory layout issues.

  • ST-related ethernet issues (memory layout and MPU configuration, caching, LWPI API, ...) are tracked at , which is an excellent place to start (read: being thrown in at the deep end).

In the text below, project creation and composition are documented, along with the necessary attempts to resolve issues identified. The LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS example was opened side-by-side and STM32CubeMX was used to create an editable project file which wasn't provided with the server example. ST notes the example is currently not compatible with (= outdated) CubeMX.

The author does not claim to be an expert and code is provided as-is. Corrections and suggestions are always welcome.

The T&M Device Server Project

Project Structure

  • Applications/
    • SCPI_Server
  • Drivers/
    • BSP, CMSIS, HAL_Driver
  • Middlewares/Third_Party/
    • FreeRTOS, libscpi (libscpi.a + headers), LwIP
  • Src/
  • Inc/
  • startup/

In-Depth Topics