
A command line tool that use github pages to convert short url.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A command line tool that use github pages to convert short url.

Before Use

  1. Fork the gh-pages-url-shortener, if you don't have your own domain name, I recommend you fork this link repository I created.

  2. Fork the gh-pages-url-shortener-db, it's an empty repository, you can also just create a repository like this, the name doesn't have to be the same.

  3. Open the repository you forked in step 1, and modify the 404.html file.

- var GITHUB_ISSUES_LINK = "https://api.github.com/repos/nelsontky/gh-pages-url-shortener-db/issues/";
+ var GITHUB_ISSUES_LINK = "https://api.github.com/repos/${your name}/${your db repo}/issues/";
  1. Now, try to open an issue in the repository you created in step 2. The issue title should be a valid url, the body can be empty. Then you can use ${username}.github.io/${link repo}/1 to access the url you entered in the issue title. Mabye the link is still too long and you should use your own domain name.

More Detail: gh-pages-url-shortener

How to use

Almost forgot, you need to install the GitHub CLI before you use this command line tool.

Let do it!

# install package
npm install gh-short-url -g
# config your url database repository and github user name and github pages domain
# example: shorten config --database="gh-pages-url-shortener-db" --user="mayandev" --pages="mayandev.github.io/link/"
shorten config --database=${db-repo-name} --user=${username} --pages=${domain/url-repo/}
# shorten it
shorten https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant#Basketball_legacy/
# you can also use surl
surl https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant#Basketball_legacy


How does this work

Thank to gh-pages-url-shortener for the ideas.