
In this project, I built an android app to discover popular and recent News Headlines. I built clean UI, sync to a server, and present detailed information of each News Headline, allowing users to 'favorite' News Article.

Primary LanguageKotlin


In this project, I built an android app to discover popular and recent News Headlines. I built clean UI, sync to a server, and present detailed information of each News Headline, allowing users to 'favorite' News Article.


To run this app, you must also have an API Key defined as a variable named API_KEY in the file ArticleMediator.kt located at com.mayank_amr.news.data.repository.paging package.


  • List of Top Headlines Country: India Default Tag: Technology, where 'Tags' represent 'Category' in the API. All categories in API docs are present in horizontally scroll.
  • Sorted news by latest on top.
  • Clicking on different tags should result in headlines from appropriate categories.
  • Clicking Card Opens Detail Screen.


  • Used Pagination - lazy load at the end of every 10 cards.
  • Used Room DB for saving favourites => Favourites should also be categorized by tags.
  • Used Room DB for caching logic - Once cached, should work offline without network.
  • Cached workflow works as same as online workflow .i.e., tag categorization with the cached data.
  • Used Retrofit and Kotlin Flow for networking [and] to observe changes in Room and update the UI.

Edge workflow:

  • Open app when offline => load cached data => scroll to bottom => turn on network => auto paginates.
  • Maintained proper scroll position when Room data is updated with new data from API.
  • Creative recycler view interactions / animations and pull-to-refresh.


Headlines with Technology tag

Headline Detail screen

Headlines Loading State

Pager loading next page

At offline and pager unable to load next page

Headlines with Health tag

accessibility text