- arsenal is just a quick inventory and launcher for hacking programs
- This project is inspired by navi (https://github.com/denisidoro/navi) because the original version was in bash and too hard to understand to add features
- We write this project for pentester to simplify all the commands to remember x)
python3 setup.py develop --user
## troubleshooting
- if you got on error on color init try :
export TERM='xterm-256color'
- inside your .bashrc or .zshrc add the path to app.py
alias a='python3 $HOME/git/arsenal/arsenal/app.py'
mkdir ~/.mycheats
Add your own md file inside the ~/.mycheats
- msfvenom
- php
- python
- perl
- ...
- enum4linux
- smbmap
- smbget
- rpcclient
- rpcinfo
- nbtscan
- impacket
- impacket
- hydra
- hashcat
- john
- nmap
- gobuster
- ffuf
- wfuzz
- dig
- sublist3r
- subbrute
- rpcbind
- snmpwalk
- snmp-check
- onesixtyone
- sqlmap
- oscanner
- sqlplus
- tnscmd10g
- mysql
- showmount
- xfreerdp
- rdesktop
- ncrack
- tsql
- sqsh
- evilwinrm
- redis-cli
- psql
- pgdump
- vncviewer
- xspy
- xwd
- xwininfo
- ldapsearch
- sslscan
- burp
- nikto
- tplmap
- drupwn
- wpscan