
Reference Data Set for Accuracy Evaluation of Orientation Estimation Algorithms for Inertial Motion Capture Systems


Reference Data Set for Accuracy Evaluation of Orientation Estimation Algorithms for Inertial Motion Capture Systems

Autors: Agnieszka Szczęsna, Przemysław Skurowski, Przemysław Pruszowski, Damian Pęszor, Marcin Paszkuta, and Konrad Wojciechowski

Silesian University of Technology, Department of Computer Graphics, Vision and Digital Systems, Gliwice, Poland Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland


Szczęsna, A., Skurowski, P., Pruszowski, P., Pęszor, D., Paszkuta, M., & Wojciechowski, K. (2016, September). Reference data set for accuracy evaluation of orientation estimation algorithms for inertial motion capture systems. In International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics (pp. 509-520). Springer, Cham.

RepoIMU repository is proposed for the needs of algorithm testing on the basis of the output of IMU sensors (accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope). Quaternion coded data from optical motion capture system (Vicon Nexus) are used as a reference. Although data are from two different systems, they were synchronized and properly cropped for the sake of user’s convenience.

Repository features:

– signals from IMU sensors (accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope) synchronized with reference orientation quaternion from optical motion capture system;

– data from two kinematic sets: wand (T-stick) and 3-segment pendulum;

– a full range of orientation angles’ changes;

– recording with different acceleration values.